[They've been pulled over by the POLICE. Doc tries to calm everyone, etc... A ROOKIE COP walk up to the car looking cautious and careful... GUN RAISED and SHAKING VISIBLY... nervous as he approaches the car.]
JAPONICA: Are you the Great Beast?
BLATNOYD: No no no, that's a policeman, Japonica, who only wants to make sure you're all right.
COP: You know you were driving without your headlights, miss?
JAPONICA: But I can see in the dark.
COP: Perhaps you shouldn't be driving then.
COP: I am going to need to see all your IDs please?
DOC: Sure thing. What's it about, officer?
COP: Every gathering of three or more civilians is now defined as a
potential cult.
DENIS: What!? Charlie Manson again?
COP: Criteria includes references to the book of Revelation, males with shoulder-length hair or longer and endangerment through inattentive driving, which all of you are exhibiting.
BLATNOYD: Oh, I don't think so.
DENIS: Man, listen, this is a Mercedes. It’s only painted one color.
COP: You all hang tight.
DENIS: That should count for something.
DOC: Good point!
BLATNOYD: Ah... I actually gonna have a heart attack, actually my heart is racing like a little boom boom.
DOC: Yes, sir.
COP: We'll hand this all in, Mr. Sportello, and unless there's wants or warrants we don't know about, you won't hear any more on this...
DOC: Thank you officer, you have a good night.
DENIS: Thank you sir, drive safely.