Sometimes things are just meant to be. No wifi on this flight put me in a mindset. Not having a whole lot of work left to do put me in a mindset. This time, this moment, put me in a mindset and the mindset is real simple. I got to read so many of your emails and your DM's right now. So many. So many people coming from so many different backgrounds. So many different ages, heritages, religions, experiences and what I'm sitting here I'm just saying to myself, "My God, everybody's got something." Everybody's sitting right now as they're watching this video and they've got something that they're dwelling about. Something that's pulling them down, something that's holding them back. Something that's happened a long time ago, or something that's going on right now.
I just ... it feels intense for me right this second. It feels really, really hard core for me. Just consuming all this content. All these questions and I'm in this circ*mstance where people want to ask me and I feel so gifted about it. I don't know if I'm up to the task or not every time, but I know my intent is and I know I've desperately wanted to just make this video and let everybody know that everybody's got something.
So many if you look around. Look at all those people and you think they've got it better and default into thinking somebody's got a little more privilege, a little better. Somewhere along the line I heard somebody say, "All of us are born with a gift and a curse." Right. Either we have too much or we have too little and I get that and I get that and I think about it's not where you start, it's where you finish and I see things that people don't see. Like people that are gifted with privilege and it cripples them and it f*cks them from the get and they've lost before they've started and obviously people that are born with so little and such different difficult circ*mstances.
Everybody's got something and it's always going to be like that and I just want people to know that. If we could just all deploy a little more empathy and realize that it just makes it a little easier for you to deal with yours. It's not misery loves company, it's actually completely the reverse. It's wishing and wanting for everybody to win and realizing none of that comes at your expense. It's wishing and wanting that people can navigate through the maze of the circ*mstances they were dealt. The hand they were given. It's wishing that they are surrounded by the people that can help them, or they can consume something, whether it's a song, or a poem or a book or a movie, or a video like this that switches their mindset. That inspires them, galvanizes them, makes them realize they have no choice but to do it for themselves. Nobody's going to do it for you. Nobody's going to do it for you. There's people out there rooting for you, there's people out there cheering for you. Your mom is cheering for you sometimes. There's people out there, my mother's routing for you because she's the kindest, but just understanding that everybody's got something, liberates everything.
It allows you to put that piece of the equation on the shelf tucked away. It's a non-variable because we all got something. That's how this f*cking game was dealt. Once you realize that you stop worrying about what everybody else. You know why? You stop worrying about everybody else because a, you realize they've got something and b, you don't give a f*ck about their opinion because they've got something. Everybody's got something, everybody. Everybody's got the trash, everybody's got the pain.
It puts us all on even footing. They come in different shapes and sizes, but to that f*cking person, it's theirs. So please my friends, please, please understand that everybody has something. Everybody's got their f*cking pain. Now it's an even playing field. Deploy empathy and deploy confidence in yourself because nobody's judgment in you means sh*t because they've got something too.
You know why I roll with peace? Or as close to it as it gets? Is I just know that truth, that truth I put on a f*cking pedestal. It's been in me the whole time and it took this circ*mstance on this flight to help me articulate it a little bit that everybody's got something and so I feel bad for them and I don't value them. Nobody's opinion of me matters more than myself and I don't judge anybody, because I don't know their f*cking reality, because everybody's got something. Everybody.