It doesn't matter. Ninety-nine percent of things don't matter. How do you allow yourself to look at the small things like somebody has a nicer car or somebody has more followers on Instagram? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that your boss is suppressing you because she or he is flawed and insecure and will block you from the next step. It doesn't matter. You know why it doesn't matter? Because you're in control. You're more than welcome to take a step back to sell your home, to go rent from a worse apartment, to buy one less pair of shoes. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you get Ds and Fs. You know why? Because when real life kicks, that sh*t doesn't [map 00:00:49]. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if your sister is winning or losing. It doesn't matter if your best friend's making $100,000 a year and you haven't figured out who you are. It doesn't matter.
My friends, the only thing that matters is how you judge yourself inside your head and do you understand where you're going and how you're going to do it and how long you have to get there. Because all the things that are being thrown at you on a daily basis that make you judge yourself in the short term don't matter. Literally, 99% of my answers to my management team, my best friends, the ones I care about the most and why during this project that is pouring out of me with a clarity and an ease that I struggle to, even though I am and always will be a communicator and I have to put this down on film, tape, video, whatever f*ck you want to call it, it just doesn't matter. Do you understand?
Literally, every single thing that you can come up with right now to tell me why not, why you can't, why you were dealt the short straw, why it's not meant to be for you, all those artificial doubts that were poured into your brain by your inner circle and your outer game don't matter. Please watch this video everyday. Any time something sucks like sh*t, remember, it doesn't matter. In the macro, there are only so few things that you will think about on your death bed. There are only so few things that will matter to you as you continue to glide and guide through your life. So understand whatever f*ck you're upset about right now fundamentally doesn't matter. It just doesn't. So he broke up with you. He's a f*cking loser. So your boss told you, you suck. They suck. So your business failed. You sucked. You couldn't figure it out. Pick yourself up. Get a job. Become practical and go back at it, in three years, if that's what you are. It all doesn't matter.
In the end, what matters is did you do it your way? Did you die in your sword? Did you do it on your feet? Did you listen to yourself? And did you do it the right way? We will all be exposed at the end. We will all be naked at the end. Understanding that it does not matter as long as you're doing it the right way and not allowing yourself to value somebody else's opinion or two cents over your own, and understanding that many fans boo in the third quarter of a game that a team wins. Every night, do not be crippled by the short [term 00:04:08] narrative. Do not be crippled by the short term narrative based on things that do not matter.
I did not allow my grades, my circ*mstance, the judgment that I was working at my daddy's liquor store at 28 and woe is him. None of those things matter. In the same way that I don't let the headlines and the covers of the magazines and the admirations for this project to allow me to get anywhere outside my [how 00:04:42], to allow me to get anywhere outside my head on how I'm going to do this, for how long and in what way, 'cause at the end of the day, it just doesn't matter.