I danced with beautiful
Lived with her for a while
She was so damn simple
Like the color of a smile
I thought we were beautiful
At least we mirrored that way
But we got too complicated
And beautiful just couldn't stay
I thought I saw her on a corner of second love the other day
She was wearing that dress that made her feel lucky
And God was she looking lucky, and I wish I were lucky that way
But I'm not
Cause your words, they tell me you're alright
But your voice translates a thousand sighs
And you sell me your emotions for that brothel in your head
Cheap as the words you said
A difference between loving and being in love
That difference is you standing before me
You know your tongue it doesn't drop manna for me anymore
I'm not that lucky
Baby what are we to do now?
My God we've nothing to lose
We can't get much further over on this side