Never Plateau lyrics
Never plateau
When you see the horizon
Near expand your options
Faint traces of marmalade
Scents dangle in the
Southern wind and leave
An Erie iridescent indigo
Light glowing on a not so
Well beaten path
The calming wind as wheat
Thistles as the navy storm
Clouds shutter past the
Werewolf alluring full
Moon as i stare into the sky
Waiting for a witch to pass
The mello illumination
Of the night
I wait for them to take me
Somewhere... Anywhere..
Above & Beyond
The earth's surface
The more humans that are
Forcefully bred upon this
Planet the less humanity is
Shed upon each other's soul
We have been bombarded
With an imaginary
Competition that is
Impossible to win
The sun is a ball of
Tangerine light in
The horizon
Chase that and
Chase your dreams
Never Plateau