Skyhooks (Script) lyrics
by Olivia Olson
Cut to a shot of the sky. It is tinted pink, as are all of the clouds. The camera pans down to show Finn and Jake wading through the water towards the shore from their ship. The entire landmass, including mountains, trees, and the shoreline, are tinted pink.
JAKE: Heck yeah! We’re home.
FINN: That was definitely the longest adventure we’ve ever done.
JAKE: What about when you got trapped in a mind dungeon for a buncha years?
FINN: This trip was longer in emotional time.
JAKE: Yeah, I’m burnt out. No more adventure for a while, okay?
They reach the shoreline. Jake runs onto the nearby land.
JAKE: Yes, yes, yes!
He shakes the water out of fur.
JAKE: Let’s go take hot showers!
Finn surveys the nearby area and picks something up.
FINN: Hey, look at this fish.
He holds a fish up. It appears to be made of jelly.
FINN: It’s… gummy?
FISH: Hello!
The fish begins laughing and flopping around in Finn’s hand.
FINN: Hey!
He drops it on the ground. It continues laughing and flops away.
FINN: Well, that’s weird. We should defs check it out after we hit up the tree house.
JAKE: Yeah. We gotta get to the bottom of this hot shower.
They leave. The scene cuts to them traveling through the nearby forest. Jake has stretched to massive size and Finn is riding on his back. Everything else in view is pink.
FINN: Hmm. Does everything seem pinker to you?
JAKE: Home always looks different after a long trip. You’re seeing it with fresh eyes and newfound wisdom. And sometimes there’s also a new strip mall or something. So, everything being pink is probably not a big deal, and also, I’m tired.
BMO emerges from Finn’s backpack.
BMO: I like the pink. Why you worry so much, worry baby?
JAKE: Haha, yeah, why you worry so much, worry baby?
BMO: Don’t worry, Finn. We are only teasing you because you are a baby.
JAKE: Woah!
He stops dead in his tracks. They’ve reached the tree house, which has been turned into candy and pink crystals.
JAKE: What the heck happened to the tree house?
Cut to a view from inside. Finn’s face appears in the window of the door to the tree house. He opens it, entering with Jake. They see that everything has been turned to candy.
FINN: Candy… Fern?
As he enters, he notices a leak of something brown coming from the floor above.
FINN: Oh, I do not like this.
Finn, Jake, and BMO poke their heads out to survey the second floor.
BMO: Is this some kind of sick joke? Because I love it.
Finn spots the source of the leak, which is a knocked over bottle of Big Baby Root Beer.
FINN: Huh? Big Baby Root Beer? No one buys this brand. It’s too sweet.
Finn picks up the bottle and puts the cap back on.
FERN: Hello?
Finn and Jake gasp, startled. Fern emerges from another room, now appearing to be made of candy.
FERN: Hey! You look like me.
FINN: Fern?
FERN: Who’s Fern? I’m Fun the human!
He walks into the room. Neptr appears behind him, also seemingly made out of candy.
NEPTR: And I’m Nectr, the little robot!
Shelby appears from a nearby mug, now colorful and gummy.
SHELBY: And I’m Shelby the worm… the gummy worm!
Finn and Jake back away as Fern approaches them.
FERN: Welcome, strangers! It’s so cool that you’re inside our house.
Fern envelops Finn in a hug.
FINN: Dude, when did you guys turn into candy?
SHELBY: We’ve always been candy, you silly billy bean!
JAKE: Oh, okay, I get it.
He goes to a nearby table and grabs a piece of cake.
JAKE: We’ve obviously stumbled into another alternate dimension where everyone’s a different version of themselves. Yawn.
He eats the piece of cake.
BMO: But we haven’t gone through any portals. BMO would know.
Neptr lightly hits her with his arm.
NEPTR: Hello!
BMO: Neptr is so cute now! I’m going to start treating him as an equal.
FINN: You were supposed to take care of Ooo while I was gone. What happened with that?
FERN: What?
FINN: You used to be this volatile plant boy, remember?
FERN: Really? Well, I’m candy now. And, I’m in control of my emotions.
SHELBY: I’m in control, too. Of my body!
Shelby dances around on Jake’s belly and laughs.
JAKE: Wow, gummy Shelby’s a lot of fun. I think I’m okay with candy world.
Fern begins guzzling the root beer.
FINN: No way. Let’s talk to P.B. I’m sure this is all one of her experiments gone wrong.
Cut to Neptr. BMO has crawled into Neptr’s microwave.
NEPTR: You seem upset, friend. The tower will fix you right up.
FINN: The what, now?
Fern begins guzzling a second bottle of root beer. Suddenly, a bell rings. Fern drops the bottle.
FERN: Oh, boy! Let’s run outside!
Cut to outside. Fern and Neptr run out. Finn, Jake, and BMO walk behind them. They all come to a stop. A large cart comes over a hill. It’s shaped like a lemon and pulled by a pink lemon camel. The top of the cart is pulled away, revealing a pink Lemongrab in front of a row of glasses.
LEMONGRAB: Hello, it’s me!
FERN: Lemonpink!
Fern turns to Finn.
FERN: He was inside the lemon.
LEMONGRAB: Drink up, babies! Squeeze!
He crushes his own head, sending pink lemonade everywhere. Fern sticks his tongue out to catch some and laughs. Finn shields himself. Lemongrab begins filling each cup on his cart with lemonade.
LEMONGRAB: I used to have a lot of fear and sadness, but now I’m fine!
JAKE: Hey, I want some of that!
Finn blocks Jake with his arm.
FINN: No. That is body juice.
LEMONGRAB: Hmm? What’s that? Did you spurn my fluids?
FINN: No…?
LEMONGRAB: Maybe someone’s feeling a little sour!
FERN: Wuh-woah!
NEPTR: You know what sours get!
SHELBY: Sours get the tower!
FERN, NEPTR, SHELBY, AND LEMONGRAB: Sours get the tower! Sours get the tower!
Lemongrab sprays lemonade all over everyone. Fern sprays a bottle of root beer around.
FERN, NEPTR, SHELBY, AND LEMONGRAB: Sours get the tower! Sours get the tower!
Finn turns angrily to Jake, who’s joined in on the chant.
FINN: Come on, Jake. Let’s go see Bubblegum.
Lemongrab screams as he continues to squeeze his head.
Finn, Jake, and BMO hurry through the forest.
JAKE: Stop striding! It just keeps you agitated.
FINN: I’m freaking out, Jake. This place is weird.
Jake stretches and stops him.
JAKE: What I’m hearing is, you’re stressed out because everything’s candy.
FINN: Aren’t you?
JAKE: Not really.
They look at the sky. All of the clouds are pink and and have smiling faces.
JAKE: Lemongrab’s always been a weirdo. At least now he’s helping people.
The clouds begin to rain jelly beans.
JAKE: And Fern is, like, laughing and joking around. Maybe they don’t need you to fix them.
FINN: Hmm.
Finn picks up a jelly bean and sees that it has a face.
FINN: I always believe you when you use that voice.
Suddenly, Finn hears crying in the distance. He flicks the bean away and looks for the source of the noise.
FINN: Sweet P.?
He finds Sweet P. crying under a tree.
FINN: Hey, buddy. What are you doing out-
He puts his hand on Sweet P.’s arm.
FINN: -Hey! You’re meat!
SWEET P.: Yes, I’m meat. But everything else is weird.
FINN: Wow, Sweet P., that’s almost exactly what I’ve been saying.
He slowly turns to Jake as he says this. Jake puts his hand over Finn’s mouth.
JAKE: Sweet P., do you remember what happened?
SWEET P.: One day, the candy came and turned mommy and daddy into something… different.
Sweet P. looks around, startled. A bush nearby rustles. Mr. Pig emerges. He has been turned into a Piñata.
MR. PIG: We’ve been looking for you everywhere!
Tree Trunks emerges as well, having been turned into ice cream.
MR. PIG: We just love you so much, son. You’re gonna get into a great college!
Tree Trunks laughs and melts a little.
BMO: They look so happy, like dogs.
FINN: Don’t worry, Sweet P. We’re headed to the candy kingdom to see Princess Bubblegum about all this.
SWEET P.: She’s not in the candy kingdom. She’s in the terrible tower. Look!
He points into the distance at a massive pink structure reaching up into the clouds.
FINN: Come on, Jake, that’s kind of weird, right?
BMO: I think it’s magnificent!
TREE TRUNKS: Sweet P.! Yoo hoo!
Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig bring over a giant bucket and a paint roller.
TREE TRUNKS: We brought some rollers and a bucket of sweet juicy caramel.
Sweet P. walks over. Tree Trunks rolls some caramel onto his leg.
TREE TRUNKS: Let’s get you back to normal.
SWEET P.: But mama, I am normal!
TREE TRUNKS: Just sit tight there like a windowpane, and you’ll be back to normal like a windowpane.
The shot zooms in on her face and her voice echoes.
TREE TRUNKS: Back to normal.
JAKE: Hmm. Okay, you’re right. This is pretty freaky-deaky.
SWEET P.: I’m gonna go now.
He runs away and begins crying.
FINN AND JAKE: Sweet P., come back!
Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig chase Sweet P. Tree Trunks laughs.
FINN: Uh… Let’s get to the tower.
They look at the tower. Cut to Jake scaling the tower with stretched out legs. Finn and BMO are riding on his back.
JAKE: And never be the guy with no phone, Finn. You’ll think it’ll make people wanna talk to you more, but people just forget to invite you to things.
FINN: You’ve convinced me. Plus, I like late night bedtime calls when you’re sleeping over at Lady’s.
They hear a strange sound. Jake sniffs the air.
JAKE: Ooh. Something smells nice. Nice and toasty.
A massive s’more monster comes around the side of the tower and roars.
FINN: Stay back, s’more!
Finn waves his sword at it. Jake stretches towards it.
JAKE: Get it, get it, get it, get it!
Marceline laughs.
MARCELINE: Woah, dudes.
The s’more monster turns out to be Marceline. She transforms into a more normal version of herself, though she has become marshmallow-y.
MARCELINE: I was just playin’.
FINN, JAKE, AND BMO: What? Marceline?
Marceline giggles.
MARCELINE: No, it’s Marshmaline, the Campfire Queen.
Finn, Jake, and BMO all struggle to say Marshmaline for a few moments.
MARCELINE: Would you like to hear a song? I’ve written just the ditty that’ll cheer up anyone that’s overwhelmed with work or responsibility.
BMO: Yay! I love Marshmaline songs!
FINN: No time for tunes. Do you know where Bonnie is?
MARCELINE: Of course! Follow me.
She flies up the tower, humming, while the others follow her. They reach the top of the tower. Jake shrinks to normal size and sets Finn and BMO down.
FINN: Marshy… Where’s P.B.?
MARCELINE: She’s everywhere!
The tower rumbles. Princess Bubblegum’s face and crown emerge from the side of the tower.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: Good tidings to you, my friends.
Finn, Jake, and BMO gasp.
BMO: Yahoo!
FINN: What… What happened to you?
She giggles.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: I’ve become what I was always meant to become: A pure candy elemental.
She vomits jelly beans all over them. Finn and Jake shield themselves while BMO cheers and laughs. Princess Bubblegum burps once she’s done vomiting.
FINN: What about Tree Trunks, and Lemongrab, and Marceline, and everyone else?
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: I fixed ‘em, obviously.
FINN: “Fixed ‘em?” But they’re your friends!
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: Those aren’t mutually exclusive concepts.
MARCELINE: That means it’s fine.
FINN: No. It’s not fine!
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: Don’t fret. I can fix you too.
Her arms emerge from either side of her face. Finn, Jake, and BMO look down to see themselves slowly becoming pink. Jake dances around and moans.
FINN: I can feel my bones turning gummy!
BMO: Me, too!
Finn and Jake begin running away.
JAKE: We gotta get out of here before-
Marceline swoops down and holds them in place.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: I’m connected to all candy throughout all the galaxies. Once you’re candy, you’ll be part of me too!
Finn and Jake struggle.
FINN: No! That plan sucks.
He punches Marceline in the face. Her marshmallow-ness absorbs the hit. She mumbles, her face caved in.
FINN: Oh, my gosh!
He pulls his hand away.
FINN: Ah! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!
Marceline drops them. They continue running.
FINN: I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!
Suddenly, a metal hook drops down, hitting Jake in the head.
ICE KING: Skyhooks!
Finn looks up to see the hook coming out of a cloud.
FINN: Ice King?
Finn jumps up and grabs the hook. It begins pulling him up.
FINN: Hold on to me, bro!
Jake stretches and holds on to Finn. The skyhook carries them away.
FINN: Wait, we forgot BMO!
They’re pulled into the clouds.
BMO: Goodbye, boys! It’s better this way!
The pinkness fully envelops BMO’s body, turning BMO into a gumdrop. BMO vomits out some jelly beans. Princess Bubblegum sighs.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: Oh, well. They’ll be back.
Marceline snaps her face back into shape. Cut to a shot of Sweet P. Running through the forest.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: They have nowhere else to go.
Cut to Finn and Jake being pulled up further by the skyhook. They scream the whole way up. Cut to Ice King pulling them up onto a cloud. Finn groans as he lands. He looks around and sees that they are in a deserted Cloud Kingdom.
FINN: Are we in…
JAKE: Cloud Kingdom.
Finn looks down at his legs, which are back to normal.
FINN: Looks like we got away before the candy curse became permanent.
ICE KING: That’s right. My skyhooks saved the day.
FINN: Thanks for getting us out of there, Simon.
ICE KING: Aw, I can’t take all the credit. It’s all thanks to my skyhooks!
Jake walks over to the edge of the cloud and looks down. Finn approaches Ice King.
FINN: Hey, why are you even up here?
ICE KING: We live here, now. Me and the skyhooks.
JAKE: Finn… You gotta see this.
Finn runs over and looks down. He gasps.
FINN: Oh… my…
Cut to a shot of the continent, which appears cleanly cut into quadrants. The top left quadrant is pink, the top right quadrant is icy blue, the bottom left quadrant is gray and smoking, and the bottom right quadrant is green.
FINN: ...butt.
ICE KING: Skyhooks!