Waluigi x jesus lyrics
by Drake
Jesus khrist was in his modest house one day when Waluigi burst into the huose.
"I've importanta news!" Waluigi exklaimed. "I've made some spaghetti!"
"What? Let me see..." the messiah said. “Did you get it from Demetri at the bath house?”
Waluigi pulled out the spaghetti from his pokets and threw it onto the table.
"Why was it in your pocket?"
"Bekause I didn't have any kontainers or something!" Waluigie answred. "Wah!"
"Well, let me see this spaghеtto," The holey spirit said.
He movеd over to the tabel, and inspekted the spaghetti throughly.
It was of good quality despite being in Waluigi's trousers.
But what about the taste?
The texture?
Only one way to find out, but before Jesus kould eat it, he had to spike it up first.
That when he turned around, pulled his ragged tunik up, his ass faking the spaghetti, and farted on it.
"Waht are doing?" Walugi asked.
"I just need to give it some spike," Jesus replied.
He blasted another nasty sass blast, whikh reeked of onoins and Mediterranean fekal matter.
It was perfekt, Jesus the blasphemer thoght.
He pikked up some of the speagheti and ate it, tasting the mixture of saude and flatulus.
"That's disgusting!" Waluigi said. "kan I try some of your kommunion?"
Jesus had idea.
He took off his tunik and exposed his big butt.
He put some of the spaghetti on his biblikal ornhole and spread his kheeks wide.
"Dinner is served," he said to Waluigi.
Waluig bent down and began to eat the spageti off of Gods son's as*h*le..
Jesus hrist farted in pleasure as Waluigi kontinued to eat.
Then, after Waluigi was don, he had a great idea.
He was going to fuk khristo's butt hole.
"I'm gonna fukk gonna fuk your butt hole!" Waluigi exlaimed. “Nail nail you to my wood.”
He took off his pants and exposed his fourteen inh dong.
He powered his khoo khoo train into Mary Magdalens husbands's tunnel and plowed like he was digging for gold, but instead of gold, it was Jesus's butt nuggets.
khrist started to masturbate too, j*rking off his five inkh pens as Satan and God wathed, growing firm themselves..
“You got a tight little biblikal bussy, don’t you?” Waluigi groaned, his eyes rolling bakk as he rutted, rutted into the fiktional bible kharater.
Waluigi pumped and pumped and pumped and pumnped his fat kok into jesur , his p*nis blowing up inside of the lord's rektum, shooting off gallons of semen and filling Jesus's butt up with Waluigi kum.
"It feels so good," Jesus moaned. “Sew your seed, I feel it growing inside me.”
"Now that we blasted our ropes, what do you want to do next, you false prophet?" Waluigid asked.
"I dunno," Jesus khrist sad. "How about we fu
k that kukk, Judas?"
"Well isn’t that oddly spekifik..." Waluigi said, with this faial expression: 🤔. “Lets go!”