I want to ask you what’s worse? A Pastor whose always lived with his son, but whose never been there for his Son? Or a prisoner? Who’s never lived with his son but has always been there for his Son?
I want to ask you what’s worse? A single Mother that spends 40 hours a week trying to feed her Son? but never really gets to see her Son? Or a single Mother that spends 40 hours a week trying to see her Son but never really gets to feed her Son?
I'm trying to ask you, what’s worse? Because the one thing I’ve learned is that life is all about sacrifices
Sometimes you have to put something Beautiful Last, to make something Beautiful Last
You have to pick your poison. Would you rather give an alcoholic cocaine or a drug addict Hennessey?
I’m trying to ask you, what’s worse?
Because there’s a dangerous thin line between what’s right and what can be justified in your mind
Let me explain, You walk into a jail cell... A murderer might tell you at least he hasn’t raped anyone, And a rapist might tell you at least he hasn’t murdered anyone, They know they’re both wrong, they’re just trying to figure out what’s worse
They’re trying to get you to pick their poison, Because how do you judge what’s right from wrong
Is it based on your religion as it stands? Your moral high ground as a man? The way you were raised by your family?
Or the law of the land? I’m trying to ask you what’s worse?
I’ll tell you my problem, I always say a prayer the night before court, But I've never said a prayer the night before I got caught
So I want to ask God "what’s worse?" The man that’s only ever said a prayer for the purpose of forgiveness? Or the man that never said the prayer but he never did the crime to begin with?
The rapper that you say is leading everyone to hell? Verses the fact that you’re a believer that rebels?
The man that won’t help his dying mother because he thinks God will? Or the man that won’t help his dying mother because he thinks it’s God’s will?
The man that won’t help himself because he thinks God will? Or the man that won’t help himself because he thinks it’s God’s will? I’m trying to ask you what’s worse?
Pick your poison; Is it love or lust? Truth or Happiness? Peace or Justice?
Let me explain, I’m not seeking success or even love yet, But when you lose your friend to some needless dumb kids, you’re left with one question, What comes first? Peace or Justice? Because when the justice doesn’t come you feel the need to take it into
Your own hands, And when the peace doesn’t come, you think it’s because the justice hasn’t come yet, So when you do everything in your power, to leave the person responsible either in jail or dead and you realize it doesn’t bring back your friend, You realise you lost peace trying to chase justice, But you do nothing and you lose justice trying to chase peace!
I’m trying to ask you what’s worse? Ladies, do you make love trying to find it?
Ladies, you know when you think of your ex right? And you see him with a new girl and she isn’t even nice on the eyesight, Your friend calls you up and says
“She isn’t even a 5? She isn’t even the right size! She isn’t even his
Type!” And your friend tells you that he "downgraded"
Basically, I want to tell you that if your basis for the fact that he downgraded is the fact that her looks are basic, he’s not the one that downgraded, You picked your poison
I let my mum down trying to save her
Raised in the church building by atheists, Dad was more concerned with showing face than he was with showing faith
I lost my friend young, Police got there too late to save him from the cemetery, So when I saw my friend getting rushed I knew I had to jump in
Because If I rang 999, they aren't getting to me, So it’s ride or he’s getting buried. Fight or he’s in a cemetery. I learnt young that there’s a difference between what’s right and what’s necessary
I had to pick my poison
So next time before you ask what’s worse, You need to understand that there’s a difference between what’s right and what’s righteous
Because what’s wrong isn’t always what’s bad, And instead of asking what’s worse Ask what we can do for each other
Because the more we ask what’s worse, is the more we justify, Next time judge a mans intentions before his actions
His reasons before his mistakes
I’ll be the first to tell you I’m a hypocrite. Sometimes I tell lies I picked mine What’s your poison?