Transition Metals Song Periodic Table lyrics
by Kids Learning Tube
We are the thirty-eight, transition metals!
Groups three through twelve are where you'll learn our energy levels!
[Verse 1]
I'm scandium, my atomic number is tewnty-one
Forty-four is my atomic mass, "Sc"'s my symbol, I'm not done!
I'm a silvery-white metallic d-block element
And I'm used in aluminium-scandium alloys for aerospace components
I'm titanium, my atomic number is twenty-two
My atomic mass is forty-seven, "Ti"'s my symbol, true!
I'm silvery in color with a low density and high strength
I'm also able to withstand extreme tempеratures it's my thing
I'm vanadium my atomic number is twenty-three
My atomic mass is fifty and my symbol happеns to be "V"!
I'm a hard silvery-gray ductile transition metal
I'm used in high speed jet engines, my strength and heat is incredible!
Hello, I'm chromium my atomic number's twenty-four
My atomic mass is fifty-one, "Cr"'s my symbol, here's more!
A steely-gray hard brittle metal with a high melting point
Stainless steel is where you can find me, and I don't dissapoint!
I'm manganese my atomic mass is twenty-five
My atomic mass is fifty-four, "Mn"'s the symbol of mine!
I'm a silvery-gray metal that resembles iron
One point five percent of me is used in aluminium cans!
My name is iron my atomic number's is twenty-six
My atomic mass is fifty-five, my symbol's "Fe" in the mix
I'm the most important of all metals for what that is worth
By mass, I'm the most common of elements found on Earth
My name is cobalt, my atomic number is twenty-seven
My atomic mass is fifty-eight, my symbol is "Co" within
I'm widely used in batteries and in electroplating
Also used in alloys to resist corrosion it's my thing
I am nickel my atomic number is twenty-eight
My atomic mass is fifty-eight my symbol's "Ni", ain't that great!
I'm a silvery-white metal with a slight golden tinge
Used to make the corrosion resistant, stainless steel I'm in
I am copper my atomic number is twenty-nine
My atomic mass is sixty-three, "Cu"'s the symbol of mine
I have a high thermal and electrical conductivity
And pure copper is reddish-orange in color, you see?
We are the thirty-eight, transition metals!
Groups three through twelve are where you'll learn our energy levels!
[Verse 2]
My name is zinc, my atomic number is thirty
My atomic mass sixty-five, "Zn"'s the symbol on me!
Zinc is widely used to manufacture many products
Such as paint, rubber, and soaps, and also cosmetics!
Yttrium's my name, my atomic number's thirty-nine
My atomic mass is eighty-eight, "Y" is the symbol of I!
I'm a silvery-metallic transition metal, you know?
I help make phosphors for the red color in your TV show!
I'm zirconium my atomic number is forty
My atomic mass is ninety-one "Zr"'s the symbol on me
I'm used in photo-flash bulbs and some surgical appliances
And also explosive primers, and some land filaments
I'm niobium, my atomic number's forty-one
My atomic mass is ninety-two, "Nb"'s the symbol, I won!
I'm a soft-gray ductile transition metal in one!
Niobium alloys are often used in pipeline construction
Molybdenum's my name, my atomic number's forty-two
My atomic mass is ninety-five, "Mo"'s my symbol, it's true!
I'm an essential trace element, for animals and plants
I also make steel stronger when given the chance
I am technetium, my atomic number's forty-three
My atomic mass is ninety-eight, and my symbol is "Tc"!
Nearly all technetium's produced synthetically
And only minute amounts are found in Earth's crust, you see?
Hi, I'm ruthenium! My atomic number's forty-four
My atomic mass is one-o-one, "Ru"'s my symbol, here's some more
I'm used in solar cells to turn light into electric energy
And I'm used as an alloy in platinum jewelry
I'm Rhodium my atomic number is forty-five
My atomic mass is one-o-two, "Rh" is the symbol implied
I'm used as an alloying agent in furnace windings
And thermocouple elements amongst other things
I am palladium, my atomic number's forty-six
My atomic mass is one-o-six, "Pd"'s my symbol, you can't miss!
I'm mostly used in catalytic converters
In a car to produce less harmful gasses, that I'm sure!
I'm silver, my atomic number is forty-seven
My atomic mass is one-o-seven, "Ag"'s my symbol in this lesson
I'm used in mirrors because I'm the best reflector of visible light known
Also to make sterling silver and silverware as shown
I am cadmium my atomic number is forty-eight
My atomic mass is one-twelve, "Cd"'s my symbol to date!
One of my major uses is in rechargeable nickel batteries
Discovered by Friedrich Stromeyer in 1817!
We are the thirty-eight, transition metals!
Groups three through twelve are where you'll learn our energy levels!
[Verse 3]
I'm hafnium, my atomic number's seventy-two
Atomic mass is one-seventy-eight, "Hf"'s my symbol, it's true!
I'm a luscious silvery-gray transition metal, you see?
And I absorb neutrons in nuclear control rods, yeah chemistry!
I'm tantalum my atomic number's seventy-three
My symbol is "Ta", my atomic mass is one-eighty
My name came from Tantalus, a villain from Greek mythology
Tantalum capacitors are used in cellphones here, you see?
I'm tungsten, my atomic number's seventy-four
My atomic mass is one-eighty-four, "W"'s my symbol, now here's more!
"Tungsten" comes from the Swedish language meaning "heavy stone"
My alloys are used for filaments in electric bulbs, it's their home!
Rhenium is my name, my atomic number's seventy-five
My atomic mass is one-eighty-six, my symbol is "Re", I do abide!
You'll find me in group seven in periodic six on the periodic table
I'm used in alloys in jet engines, when I am able
I'm osmium, my atomic number's seventy-six
My atomic number's one-nintey, "Os" is my symbol in the mix
I'm a hard but brittle metal with a blue-gray tint
And I'm known to be the densest stable element
I'm Iridium, my atomic number's seventy-seven
My atomic mass is one-nine-two, "Ir"'s my symbol within
I'm a silvery-white brittle metal but also very hard
And the most corrosion resistant metal in the element yard
I am platinum my atomic number's seventy-eight
My atomic mass is one-ninety-five, "Pt"'s my symbol to date
I'm a highly valuable metal because of my scarcity
And I'm one of least reactive metals that you will see
Hello, I'm gold my atomic number is seventy-nine
My atomic mass is one-ninety-six, "Au" is my symbol, ain't it fine!
I'm a precious metal used in coinage and jewelry
And my value was rooted from my relative rarity!
I'm mercury my atomic number is eighty
My atomic mass is two hundred and my symbol is "Hg"
I'm used in barometers, thermometers, and manometers
And I occur mostly in deposits as a cinnabar
I'm rutherfordium! My atomic number's one-o-four
My atomic mass is two-sixty-seven, "Rf"'s my symbol, here's more
I was named after the physicist Ernest Rutherford
I'm a radioactive metal that doesn't naturally occur
I'm dubnium, my atomic number's one-o-five
My atomic mass is two-six-eight, "Db"'s my symbol applied
A transuranium element created in a laboratory
I'm a highly radioactive metal, don't come near me!
I'm seaborgium, my atomic number's one-o-six
My atomic mass two-seventy-one, "Sg"'s my symbol, said quick!
I was produced in a laboratory led by Albert Ghiorso
I don't naturally occur, but I'm radioactive, you know?
I'm bohrium my atomic number's one-o-seven
My atomic mass is two-seven-two, "Bh" is my symbol, let's begin!
I'm named after the Danish physicist, Niels Bohr
I'm a synthetic element in a lab I am stored
I'm hassium my atomic number's one hundred and eight
My atomic mass is two-seventy "Hs" is my symbol, it's great!
I'm a synthetic element and little is known about me
But I am radioactive, so best let me be!
I'm meitnerium, my atomic number's one-o-nine
My atomic mass is two-seventy-six, "Mt"'s my symbol assigned
An extremely radioactive element I be
I was created synthetically in a laboratory
I'm darmstadtium my atomic number's one-ten
My atomic mass is two-eighty-one, "Ds" is my symbol made my man!
I was created on November 9th, 1994 at the Centre for Heavy Ion Research, I was formed!
I am roentgenium, my atomic number's one-eleven
My atomic mass is two-eighty, "Rg"'s my symbol you're seeing!
I was synthesized by a team lead by Sigurd Hofmann
And I was named after the physicist Wilhelm Röntgen
I am copernicium, my atomic number's one-twelve
My atomic mass is two-eighty-five, "Cn"'s my symbol to tell
I was first created in a lab in 1996
I'm the last transition metal, here's the chorus that sticks!
We are the thirty-eight, transition metals!
Groups three through twelve are where you'll learn our energy levels!