Periodic Table Song Noble Gases/Noble Gases/Noble Gases Song lyrics
by Kids Learning Tube
We are the noble gases in group eighteen
With six elements, and a seventh which is predicted to be!
We are the noble gases in group eighteen
We make up a group of chemical elements with similar properties!
[Verse 2]
My name is helium, atomic number's two, my atomic mass is four
My symbol is "He", now here's some more!
I’m a colorless, orderless, tasteless and a non- toxic gas
I’m at the top of my group and thе second lightest elеment at last
Helium’s used to inflate scientific and party balloons
I’m also used as a cooling medium for the large hadron collider it is true
Hi I am neon my atomic number is ten
My atomic mass is twenty, my symbol is "Ne", learn about me then!
Neon gas is used to promote things in advertising signs
And I’m the fourth most abundant element in the universe am I!
I am argon, my atomic number's eighteen
My atomic mass is thirty-nine, "Ar", is my symbol see
Argons often used when an inert atmosphere's needed
You can find me in period three, in group eighteen that’s where I’m seated
We are the noble gases in group eighteen
With six elements, and a seventh which is predicted to be!
We are the noble gases in group eighteen
We make up a group of chemical elements with similar properties!
[Verse 2]
I am krypton, my atomic number's thirty-six
My atomic mass is eighty-three, my symbol's "Kr" in the mix
Krypton’s used in some types of photographic flashes
Used in high-speed photography, I’m pretty bright so you may want to wear sunglasses
Xenon is my name my atomic number's fifty-four
My atomic mass is one-thirty-one, my symbol's "Xe", here's some more!
I produce a brilliant white flash of light when excited electrically
I’m also widely used in strobe lights for many reasons see
Hi, I'm radon! My atomic number's eighty-six
My atomic mass is two-twenty-two, my symbol is "Rn", these are my tricks!
I’m chemically inert, but I’m radioactive
My emitted radiations used in cancer therapy it is
I'm oganesson, my atomic number's one-eighteen
My atomic mass is two-ninety-four, "Og"'s the symbol on the screen
Synthesized in 2002 by a team of scientists
I have the highest atomic number and mass of all known elements!
We are the noble gases in group eighteen
With six elements, and a seventh which is predicted to be!
We are the noble gases in group eighteen
We make up a group of chemical elements with similar properties!