by Lingua Ignota
My wounds that stung before now sing
Washed in precious blood
My soul has been bedecked with jewels
My broken heart too terrible to hold
Oh sinner, hast thou ever had
The blood of Christ so lovingly applied?
The sacred linament of mercy
With downy fingers bind
Through Jesus' blood and righteousness
His beauty is my glorious dress
A name too terrible to say
With joy, I dance round the abyss
Bold shall I stand on that great day
In bright celestial robes arrayed
Fully absolved through Christ, I am
From sins too terrible to name
Oh sinnеr, have you ever had
Thе love of Christ so ruthlessly denied?
The sacred linament of judgement
With cruel fingers bind
[Sermon: Jimmy Swaggart]
I want to address myself as best as I know how to those that I have wronged, that I have sinned against. First of all, my wife, Frances: God never gave a man a better helpmate and companion. And as far as this gospel has been taken through the ether waves to the great cities of the world and covered this globe, it would never have been done were it not for her strength, her courage, her consecration to her Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. But to its thousands and thousands of pastors that are godly, that uphold the standard of righteousness, its evangelists that are heralds and criers of redemption, its missionaries on the front lines of darkness, holding back the path of Hell. The One whom I serve and I love and I worship. I bow at His feet, who has saved me and washed me and cleansed me. I have sinned against You, my Lord. And I would ask that Your precious blood would wash and cleanse every stain, until it is in the seas of God's forgetfulness... Get off the stage! ...never to be remembered against me anymore