Noize MC — Всё как у людей (Everything’s As It Should Be) (English Translation) lyrics
by гречка (grechka)
[Intro: Vladimir Putin]
It seems to all of us - even myself - that if someone puts everything in order with a strict firm hand, it will be easier, safer and more comfortable to live for all of us. But actually this "comfort" way of living will soon pass as this firm hand will shortly start to choke us
[Verse 1: Noize MC]
A head will be put in a plastic box
Along with a phone, a passport and keys
They will x-ray this box
For national security reasons
This head won't be put back to where it belongs
The hands are seeking for the heads above the cut-off necks
Bodies are leaning to the walls with their chests
From the boxes in can't be seen what's going on with them
The belt pulls the box with a monotonous noise
They will seek for a box for the body too
The body lying in it
Will be almost dead yet almost alive
Maybe someone will even pray for you 40 days later
[Chorus: Egor Letov]
Everything's as it should be
Everything's as it should be
[Verse 2: Noize MC]
A girl from the mounted police
With a white iPhone mounted on a white stallion
Waits for a like in Instagram from her prince
And waits for Black Friday sales
Hooves are steadily clip-clopping in the streets
Her boy-colleagues are screwing the protesters
Her smart-cookie friends discuss the recipes in almost blocked Telegram
Tomorrow she'll buy a LEGO in a mall
For her nephew's birthday
There will be a prison truck and three men in it
Two cops on one - everything's as it should be
Everything's as it should be
[Chorus: Egor Letov]
Everything's as it should be
Everything's as it should be
[Verse 3: Noize MC]
The media shout that the CIA, MI6 and Mossad agents are all over the place
They scare us with a stars-and-stripes-Jewish devil incarnates
The ice under the major's feet breaks easier than falafel's crust
The major isn't afraid, the major won't drown - the major's inside a submarine
Do you hear the societal glue cracking with an old dubstep sound?
It's once again, like Peresvet and Chelubey, the State Department is fighting against the Soviets for life
For the foes to be scared hit the friends harder
[Chorus: Egor Letov]
Everything's as it should be
Everything's as it should be
[Verse 4: Noize MC]
Hey you, don't escalate, cut it
Imagine what will be if the real fuss kicks up
If you're itching to live here - get the f*ck off to Yankeeland
Why the f*ck are you shouting? I'm f*cking tired of you
It's not easier to breathe when you're hitting the fan with sh*t
It only makes me wanna press my respirator harder to the face
It's enough stink without you - it's easy to cry
Everyone knows how it should be but no one knows how to actually live
Political circus, media clownery
Every bacteria has a mind like a steel trap
And has an opinion on everything
But you are talking too much
For a regime's hostage with a mouth gag
An easy protest, a social media riot
Playing for other's script, dancing on someone's bones
You better be entertaining the big fish from Gazprom
For huge cheques in gorgeous residences
The world of studio apartments with combination bathrooms
A $2 microphone, DIY music
You got out of it, didn't you? Well, you're lucky
So keep your mouth shut and multiply the numbers on your bank account
A cozy box of a bourgeois paradise
Chocolate-box pictures about a fool's happiness
Typical plots - a culture substitute
The soul is cheap but the skin is expensive
Okay, go ask your kids
Where do they need their dad more: in the news
Being walked all over
Or in the hall to fix their bikes?
Are you bored of living without someone beating the sh*t out of you?
Eat as long as they feed, drink as long as they water
[Chorus: Egor Letov]
Everything's as it should be
Everything's as it should be
Everything's as it should be
Everything's as it should be
[Outro: Public announcement]
...these are your sons. Be sensible, do not violate the pub-