Its in through the lungs, then exhalation out the mouth again
Convert the oxygen to inspiration and empowerment
It’s the efflorescent future manifested in the lyricist
-A message that connects within the hearts of those who hearing it
Directed with experience, and tempered like a perfectionist
Caress the mic with excellence, my method is so affectionate
-Influence under my feet- no inclination to the temptation
My music is true love... in metaphorical representation...
...I’m frustrated with insolence- emcees are full of this ignorance
But he without these sins be quick to cast the first igneous...
...So I drop the rock in righteous inclination-
-Its the process of maturity- like fetal incubation
Convey the narrow path, with no craving of being famous
Adjust your focus to the hope- pulsating inside of the statements
Warren- NAK, we innovate when we consolidate
We pushing through kinda like the phase when the water breaks