The Waterfall lyrics
by Astronautalis
"Maybe you can tell me what this one means
I have no God damned clue
All right, here we go."
It had to be the most singular beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life
A gigantic waterfall, spread out in front of me in the middle of the night
The rushing water reflected off the full moon as little stars
Blinking, whispering; bright flash then fading on
And I look there, down the giant fall the water below
And hear the rushing river pounding upon my ear drums
Beating slow my heart moves inside the rhythm
The rushing water follows a drum as a break-beat
Simple, broken but easy to track on son
And I drown every fourth count, make my move and now
I feel the rushing water beating, pounding, bringing down
And as I look back, take an exhalation ready to do my job
It kinda looks like my face but the...*stammers*
Anyway I turn around and look at the line that's formed
By the waters edge moving, marching with the water in time
And I stand there on a little box at the front of the velvet rope
And every person stands on the cliff, shakes my hand and says "I know."
And I say "it's good to see you, thank you for coming along"
I give 'em a pat on the back a gentle nudge and watch them all fall
And one by one they take the dive off the edge of the cliff
I watch them line - spread for miles and it never seems to end
My shift is endless - I watch the seconds on the clock tick
And everyone shakes my hand and says the same sh*t
And I gave them the same gentle smile, nudge, pat on the back
And I don't recognize any of these faces but I treat 'em like they're friends
And a simple push I watch them slip and fall into the mist
And disappear the water's so loud I never hear their bodies hit
And the fall must be a thousand miles long
The river must be a million knots deep
And I'm standing here trying to make this sense see
I'm observing myself do this job - I'm not in my body
I am floating, looking down from maybe ten feet above me
And everyone's treated the same - a simple friendly cordial respect
As I pat them on their back and gently nudge them by the neck
And watch their little frames fall I float away from me now
And trace one persons body as he drifts all the way down
And the water rushes, splashes, look inside their face I see a smile displayed
Their hearts stopped beating from the over-whelming exaggerating shape
Of their life thus far they look back and wonder
Why they made this choice - I ask them as they're falling
And none of 'em answer, none of 'em hear
And none of 'em pay any attention to me, dear
Except for me - standing at the top of the cliff pushing 'em near
To their end - their death - their final fall and failure
And I'm happy that I could help - happy that I could serve them
And I don't f*ckin' know what this means help me on out
It's just a dream - I need more sleep
Or a cup of coffee to drag me out of this early morning haze
My stupid face and whiskered brow
And I'm sitting here trying to make sense of why I'd kill this crowd
And why they'd ask me - why they'd volunteer for it
To put their buck upon the table and let me push them of a cliff
Put their buck upon the table and let me push them of the cliff
Put their buck upon the table and let me...I forget