A Love Story - قصة حب lyrics


Tamer Nafar - תאמר נפאר - تامر النفار

English after Arabic

[مقطع تمثيل]

جيل المراهقه الهورمونات بنولدوا بالمنطق
كله بجذبني فيكي, حتى صمتك
سكوتك اللي هو سكوت بحكيني كتير
شايفاني عادي بس ما تدري شو جواتي يصير
(ايش يصير؟) لما اكون لحالي, اتخيلك قدامي
وانا أصرخ ليكي انك انت شاغلي بالي
نوصل وقت الجد ونظره منك تربط لساني اللي
يقلك "انتي, انتي, اه ه ه ه ه "
(ايش مالك!) هاهاها ياللي متسبخاني
بس وين ياورده كبرنا ياورده صرنا
نفلت اللسان اللي ما يفلتك الا لما تصيري النا
(واليوم انا الك؟!) اليوم بس فهمت
انت مش الي, الا اذا انا الك
بنفعش قلبك ملكي وقلبي يكون ملك
كل من رادت, كل من عيني عليها زاغت
اذا بدي نضل 2 لازم نضلنا بس 1+1

[مقطع تمثيل]

بعد جيل المراهقه المجتمع ببدا يخنق بالمنطق
كلّه بخوفني فيكي بالأخص صمتك
علاقتنا بتنقرض, وكل مانزود كلامنا
مع بعض, بنزود كلام العرب
مش فاهم, كيف عندهم قلب يحرموا قلب؟!
كل اللي حس بالعواطف وكل الحب بنطحن
وبصير أسهل للناس انها توكله, الناس تشبع
من هين, والحبيب خوفه يشبع شوقه
وشوقي كبير وخوفي يكبر كل ما نتلاقى
ومن قلة ما نتلاقى صرت أغار من المراسيل اللي
أرسلك أياها عشانها توصل أقرب مني لألك
وصلت مرحله اللي فيها تعبت, علاقتنا
رسالات. تلفونات, عالتلفون يدوب اسمعك من
همسك (بحبك) ومن صرخاتها لأمك (مع مين
بتحكي بالساعه هاي؟!!) بتحكي مع حبيبها
أه ه ه ه لسا بجيل المراهقه كانلي اسهل أحكيها
[مقطع تمثيل]

وصلنا جيل ما يعرفش منطق, أسئله مصيريه
تؤدي لصمتي اللي يكسر صمتك, كل يوم نفس
الموال, قتال, ما خطرت البال
انه هاي اللي شغلت البال كسرت البال
ولما اقلك أياها تعيطي "كيف تحكي هيك بحبك؟!"
أخ خ خ قد ما تبعد الكلمه هاي بتشدك
وانا أحبك كمان الحب أحلى رمز
هلأ تطلعي لقدام, الرمز بطعمي خبز؟!
مانا بلا شهادة بلا صنعه, حياتي
النزله الوحيدة اللي لليوم ما قابلت ولا طلعه
وأنا صامد, مستنّي اللي مستنيني
ان كان منيح يحميني ولاّ عاطل يأذيني
وقلبي يريدك لدرجة انه مايريد يتخلى عنك
وقلبي يريدك لدرجة انه ما يريد يشدك
لمسار مليان مصاعب, وحياتك عارف وحاسس
سؤالك بس وحياتك مش عارف أجاوب

[مقطع تمثيل]

Tamer Nafar (featuring Rawda Suliman and Ibrahim Sakallah)

(Two friends are talking)
Tamer: Hey, what’s up?
Ibrahim: I’m cool
Tamer: What are you doing?
Ibrahim: Nothing, I was thinking of inviting u to come watch a movie
Tamer: What about our homework?
Ibrahim: Forget about it
Tamer: No, I don’t want the teacher to call my parents again
* A girl walks in and says: "Hey guys! How are u Tamer?" She continues walking

Ibrahim: (Mocking Tamer) Ooh, hey guys and especially you Tamer. Man, when are you going to talk to her?
Tamer: I don’t know, I’m shy; I wouldn’t know what to say to her
Ibrahim: Being shy won’t get you anywhere
Tamer: Whatever, mind your own business

Tamer rapping:
It’s reasonable that hormones are born with adolescence
Everything attracts me to you, even your silence
I can hear u, even when you are not saying a word
You see me acting like everything is normal

But you don’t know what’s really going on inside me
(Girl: So, what’s going on?)
When I’m alone, I imagine you in front of me
I want to shout to you that I love you!
But, when I really see you, it feels as if my tongue is tied up
I can only stutter " I--- I-um--- I--- um."
(Girl: What’s the matter?)
You used to confuse me
But now honey, I’ve grown up
I’ve got the confidence to untie my tongue
Now I can use it to tie you up, so you’ll be mine
(Girl: - Now I’m yours?)
Now I have just realized that
You’ll be mine only when I’m yours
It is not fair that your heart belongs to me
While my heart belongs to every girl that I meet
If we want to stay only the 2 of us
Then we gotta stay 1+1 and no more

(A phone call)
Tamer: Hey sweetie!
Girl: Hey honey!
Tamer: What are u doing?
Girl: Waiting for your call
Tamer: Ooh, lucky me
Girl: (Laughs) I miss you a lo...
(Suddenly her father starts calling the girl.)
Father: "Where are you??"
Girl: Oh damn, I have to go, talk to you later, bye
Tamer: Why? Why? Hello? Hello?

*Girl hangs up the phone


When I was a teenager I was too shy for love

Now that I’ve grown up, I’m afraid love because society is watching

Everything in you scares me, especially your silence
Our relationship is getting weaker, every time we talk together

We are giving our Arab society more to gossip about
I don’t know how they

Could have the heart to forbid other hearts
Instead of thinking about seeing you

They have me spending my time being afraid
That they might see us together
Because of them I am beginning

To be jealous of the letters that I send you

Because they get closer to you than I do
I’m beginning to feel tired

Since this relationship is based on letters and phone calls
Even on the phone, I can hardly hear your voice

Because you are always whispering
You are always afraid of your mum's shouting
(The mother shouts: “Who are you talking to?”)
I want to answer her: “She is talking to the one she loves!”
But, it was easier for me to say that when we were teenagers

A phone call

In the background singer who goes:
“When I was young I dreamt of becoming an adult
But when I grew up my heart got weary and I began
Dreaming of being young once again."

Tamer: Hello?
Girl: Oh, it has been such a long time since I’ve heard from you
Tamer: Well, I’ve been busy
Girl: So, things are more important than I am?
Tamer: Oh, come on, drop it, I’ve got no time for this
Girl: Oh, so you’ve got no more time for me now, huh? Anyway, here's the deal, people are coming to ask for my hand next Monday, and I’m running out of excuses for why I want to refuse him like the others. So, I had to tell my parents about you, they understood it and they are giving us an ultimatum
Tamer: Which is?
Girl: You have to prove that you are serious about us, come and ask for my hand this Saturday. If you don’t show up then that means its over, ‘cause I can’t wait for you anymore. So, what do you say?

We’ve got to an age where we can no longer think reasonably
Now we’re facing a future full questions

Which lead to my silence, which breaks your silence
Everyday we keep on fighting about the same old things
I never thought that the one who captured my heart
Could ever cause me such great pain
When I tell you that u cry and say:

“How can you say that when u know that I love you?”
As much as I try to stay away

These words “I love you” pull me back to u
I love you too, love is the sweetest thing
But is it enough for us to live on our own?
We are still too young for commitment

I still don’t even know my future
I’m lost in the world; I don’t know what the future holds for me
It could be good things or bad
My heart wants you so much that it doesn't want to let you go
But I care for you so much that I don’t want to drag you
Drag you down a path full of complications, believe me
I understand what you’re asking but I can’t find the answer

A phone call
Ibrahim: Hey Tamer, what’s up?
Tamer: Nothing much
Ibrahim: You seem upset, something happened to you?
Tamer: No, forget it, nothing important
Ibrahim: Ok, we are going out this Saturday, you want to come?
Tamer: Saturday? What are you up to?
Ibrahim: What d’you think? We’re all young single men.. we’re going to have some fun!
Tamer: Young and single uh?!! Listen man, I don’t know, I’ll have to think about it, I’ll get back to you, ok? Bye man

To be continued
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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