Bush Mama Blues lyrics
by Tamer Nafar - תאמר נפאר - تامر النفار
The bulls poke their horns in the hive
Just to hear the buzzing
They live just to see you writhe
This city's being muzzled
It's a slow-motion ethnic cleanse
Clean out the gutter
Keep the lines red and the rubbish in bins
Now everything's the right color
Make sure they've cleared a route
That they're free to roam
They turned a prison inside out
And they call it home
Suburban Sykeses and Picots
The blood-full-belly mosquitoes
The Haussmanns of the beach
Every time you raise your fist
The ceiling just gets lower
As soon as you need something fixed
The system just moves slower
They just won the racial raffle
Petty colonizers
Still have the nerve to be baffled
When the rabble rises
Don't dare call it an uprising
The man's gonna call it a riot
And no one else finds it surprising
When the kids set this sh*t on fire
Every time you raise your fist
The ceiling just gets lower
As soon as you need something fixed
The system just moves slower
Every time you raise your fist
The ceiling just gets lower
As soon as you need something fixed
The system just moves slower
Behind the gate
All locked away
See what you did
Don't turn away
Look what you made
These are your kids
Every time you raise your fist
The ceiling just gets lower
As soon as you need something fixed
The system just moves slower