Freespeech Debate on Racism lyrics
by Akala
Tommy Robinson: If you take these peoples careers away, and their money away, they won't be sitting here. I'm a volunteer, ok, and there's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer. What has happened to me, for having this opinion and speaking out the way I do, has destroyed my life, it's destroyed my wife's life, it's destroyed my mother's life, I live with the constant death threats, I've got some of them here if you want to read them...
Saira Khan:Well, stop being a racist and a bigot.
Tommy Robinson:You think just because you want to call us racists, or extremists...
Akala:Now, this is exactly, the issue is what I'm saying. Right, as much as I agree with what's being said about this man and his organization, right, we focus, we focus, on fringe bigots, rather than dealing with the central issues. We have a political system, and I can't count how many times I've read the daily mail, or some other paper, not that I read those rags, that says "Pakistani Man does Blow", and where Jimmy Saville, where something written about him, is his ethnicity or religious beliefs, put forward as the primary reason for him to commit an offense? No.
Rick Edwards:Now, we're going to widen this out, so that the broader issue that Akala touched upon; where's Izabella? Oh, Izabella, go on
Crowd:I think that people are becoming racist, because of their own social, their, erm, own social and economical problems, so that, they were saying earlier, their choosing someone to blame. I'm half-polish, and I think it's offensive when people go on about Eastern-European's taking their jobs...
Tommy Robinson:Everytime you see someones arm up and you go over to them, you see their arm up like it's a Nazi Salute. Please can someone say, what we are saying is racist?
Rick Edwards:No ones saying that by the way.
Akala:This is exactly what I was saying at the beginning of the programme. When you deal with racism, you deal with the structural reality of it. All this nonsense about people being racist because their frustrated about their life, is totally classist. Is what where saying only working class people are racist? Do me a favour, racism was not invented by working class people, it was invented by elite, academics, through pseudo-scientific nonsense, and perpetuated through political policy. From the top down to the down, not the bottom up.