One nation time out lay out Demi Lovato and King Dada Lloyd lyrics
by Demi Lovato
[ Produced: by Big D The Impossible and Demi Lovato ]
[Intro: Big d the impossible (King Dada Lloyd)]
I spend time in the hood, Martin Luther king Mansion Cross the confusion and the regain Orange re-occupied maestro
Reconcerned recognises taurine and still eyes see
[Rap: 1 Big D The Impossible]
O, hierarchy helper nylon lammar, lammar lamp, lace corns to eat, helper nepal a corns to eat
Here master of mandatory , no differentiating. super, super
Oh heiress, heiress under wear lace soft fеstival list, lace corn's to eat abode maеstro pad
Restaurant gastronomy questionnaire
Ogii, rice is grease is, yeast is grill mill flour mailed buiz meal, ill eme heel knock knot eme air canteen
Air canteen, eme long drink litter eme relation xx chupa chups
Eme catch juice kilo gram scandal litter ice, chi-chi
Puff blunt fufu bonc, puffpuff daga adinua amazon, strow malt syrup comfort able antilope grey silicon renew anticipating
Recognising in real consultant reproducing fertilizer paprika seen hanging sydrome egg point paprika
Adopt alum gallon daga, lion, cattle, wire barrow galops gallon tip pen biro, in gross
Genesis adam and eve genius indigent abortion, napkin hall nanny, in-door grow c*ckroach crooks crew
Ororo phanthom contradicts dye, birth date consolidation awe sloopy, leads king dada suprema
Buro scissors period slims vitality ownership shut-down hot badge basket quiz bull dog, grand can alead
Sperm germ air belling, rambo
Ram herbs cattle comb and cautious stove nadine reveal huey, hen catapults gideon camp
Romie and juliet rebel jubilee stand point picture
Scam zone, cam zoom samsung legal relative Cabinet
Engine legal angel physical emotion Igbako revolutions lit history irregulate logical emotion expression
Illusion emerge Intacts egusi khakis skate modeling hanking malibu reminise kitto virgin yankees
Visual video guinness vigilants vigil, Vigilante vigil swimming platinum tom tom, equal hymen coco, no mic
Ecomony eme cord eme interate era goal ration a year ego
Engineer benzin knorr petroleum kits to kilogram rice gizzard leagues list
Indian hemp burning air stimulating in brief
Calcium titus lubrications accommodation earned, supper stood aggro matrass strain save set caved tangerine
Filling Lading basket Toitoi cherry may tomatoes tons bean combi wheel barrow ayo-macro -chrome mac book
Calcium ozon natural mineral resources guave tangerine, cornflakes flat
Flask screwing scrim racer razor blade
Hooker opener dictators winner caters kitchen boil egg, cake, bacon
Baker carton holder turn fish place pan tons haribo champagne Oreo east -side alloy wheel roaster u s her asset, shisha jamboree ceiling fan clear wifi
Vessel cylinder rein factory land grease oat port, ottawa, depot redbull
Aachen market scotch shoot full, ralph lauren shut sherm down jeans socks
Key air chalk, chalk drum nonstop, scooter scotch cottage cater terace keller
Kella coller opener cocacola cocos ginger ale
Orange honey corner holler brillant us her t-shirt walk by merchant carry cartridge target markets
Accountant catalog stash stash card, cart muffin
Pass poster stock at larma garage posture keguit stage cafe cage cave stash stash cart skate, car ride, card kite care skate drip tangerine
Lillies loft plot much mushroom pot movie air roof air plane antilope lotterys met amy popping
Laundry adidas pick
Toss up chicken hair, cheek Ink eyes door android rehearsal ego, by line marron blew, dye aro
Bic ink troubles maker sugar corn sours, corn beans cake ripe hint keguit hired lime a c e taurine
Shakur live stood tape stalk tattoo capquine tattoos
Tattoos daudau rum drip tin written dripping written ripping, dripping kitchen, kitto to college
Colleagues rite acids
Awe worns, four one nine lap, KOKO KO RO DI KO KO, awesome four one nine lap konto tap
Awe awedu awesome four one nine lap konto tight
Awe alien copper topper balance waves stunt hall, A keeper outdoor negro daudau balance collar team
Through gate toll, stay gate greed
AIliee in, real neighbour around one national US us.her congress ski skip
Skill ship SKI skip, key stay real
Tata wheat, dodo, wheat dye dye wheat, olorun onion, calcium rit, wheat
Laundry wheat, ketchup wheat, tortoise wheat
Turn tons Lagos thang wheat land-lord wheat corn, garri beans, wheat mill, wheat
Mansion live mean wish drop things
Plant tin wheat short ship sherm sim acid team, treat's gs negative trees
Yeast toast cal locks gees (wheel from Poland) wish long from poland
Uncle answer FINE fair, FAIR answer fare muscle vein gastronomy gallops bonus lunches and brunches
Break out napolean land man shaft makes polish classic lamentation lamar diet, lament
Lamentation, lamentation lamentatio dimension-lamentation finally
Fiending karma, candy, kitchen pasha gift gives grimy grip creamy in, diamond plant tin, tin
Kern, palm oil, husher lighter, honey hash
One card honey hashish, ko-ko-ko-ko-ro-di-ko-ko, hash lash, ashtray gathering
Ko-to-s po-po porridge deal coco yam ideal deal, cocos powwow common porridge deal coco
Firm worn cacao CIA, CIA goes one trophy candids
Candle market aache meal water pipe land guggle 2Pac OKADA chat king dada-lloyd generator helicopter
Olorun halleluyah (po po porridge di koko) pump pass awe sterling sound Andrew captain capital News site sit
East-side canteen wrist south, east, west seed sharpener oven turn-table opener corn gate on
Merchant container elephant captain peter tosh family Le bild draw, A BID JAN familiar eme yarn
Canteen court siren emir-ate siren Wifi antenna cadillac AWE OMOFUNMI ego
Add congregation slate in gut in crate recruit rebel reproduction INN, Awe mum's tip read out
Out boot rhyme plus set purse justice set free guesting pass elect intro inter redemption
Horse, car, go chapple audience