Intro lyrics
by Keys
[Doctor 1]
So tell me about the patient
[Doctor 2]
The patient just arrived a minute ago. His vital signs are very, very low. No exit or entry wounds. We don't understand why he's dying
[Doctor 1]
Was he ever conscience?
[Doctor 2]
Yes, he was conscience
[Doctor 1]
Did you find out if he was allergic to any anesthesia or medications at that time?
[Doctor 2]
No, sir we didn't, but he had several controlled substances in his system right now. Coke, marijuana, codeine, uppers and downers, alcohol, everything
[Doctor 1]
Wow, and he didn't OD?
[Doctor 2]
[Doctor 1]
Any paraphernalia on the patient to clue us in on why he might be in this predicament?
[Doctor 2]
No, sir. All he had was condoms and an excessive amount of cash rolled up in rubber bands and a wallet
[Doctor 1]
A wallet?
[Doctor 2]
[Doctor 1]
Any ID?
[Doctor 2]
Yes, he has ID sir
[Doctor 1]
What's his name?
[Doctor 2]
First name Hip. Last name Hop
[Doctor 1]
We're losing him!
Clear! (sound of a defibrillator)
Clear! (sound of a defibrillator)