YQ Interlude / 说唱从业规范守则 (Rule of Rap) lyrics



[AR「YQ Interlude / 说唱从业规范守则 (ft. YoungQueenz)」歌词]

[Part 1: YQ Interlude]

[Verse 1: YoungQueenz]
Whattup Whattup? damn, boy
It's your boy YQ
Yes sir, with your man AR
These motherf*ckers are all goofies, for real for real, man
Who the f*ck you think you are, man
Do a lil’, lil' rappin' and thought you a f*ckin’ rappers and sh*t
Man, hoppin' on TV and sh*t
Man we don't give a f*ck about you, who the f*ck are you, man?
They rap, they dressin' like us, talkin' like us, ya know
Dressin' those lil', lil', lil’ 翡翠 with you, lil’ 一撇, even the f*ckin'fake sh*t
You ain’t, you ain't f*ckin' one of us, man, you wanna be with us
You wanna look like us, talk like us, rappin' like us
sh*t is hip-hop, man
Do a lil’ rhymes and thought you a hip-hop, you ain't hip-hop
You dressin' like you hip-hop, talkin' like you hip-hop
We all know you just some f*ckin' goofy

[Verse 2: YoungQueenz]
Representin', ya know?
All That, Chee
We holdin' it down, for real for real
GZ, represent Guangzhou
Hong Kong
The whole China, ya know what I mean?
Damn, boy
Wildstyle Records
We got the whole team huntin' you, Yeah
And the whole music sh*t?
Who the f*ck are you, get the f*ck off of here man
You just f*ckin' rappin' and sh*t, we ain't do the rappin'
We ain't rapping, we ain't rappers, ya know what I mean?
We do business, we businessman, man ya know what I mean?
We real artist, we doin' real sh*t, we doin' business
We gettin' paid, we gettin' money
We got the hip-hop mentality, we got em in tacted, We got em brands
You, You got nuthin', you got nuthin'
You just dressin' like you hip-hop
You ain't no hip-hop, boy, you ain't no hip-hop
Get the f*ck off here
[Part 2: 说唱从业规范守则]

[Sample: Chuck D]
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

[Verse 1: AR]
在这里待了太久,让我变成了 animal
There are rules to this sh*t, 所以写了一首 manual
《10 条 Rapper 必须 遵守的守则》

首先你会先从模仿开始做起, it's ok
但别抄袭 否则以后出门必须戴头盔
不是说押韵跟 flow 都非要配置级别高
但是一定非常糟 如果他 没自己的 style

[Verse 2: AR]
Number 2 这条每个学生都得关注
哪个 mic 配哪个声卡 淘宝多点光顾
如果实在不懂 网上搜索寻求多点帮助
那些最基本的设备 你最好确保屋里有
不是自己做也 ok 你就租个 studio
Engineer, 还有混缩跟母带别故障
[Verse 3: AR]
Number 3 千万别问我怎么学 Rap
首先我会生气 再来自己的事情自己解决
节奏流通血液 才能完成学业
如果你想走捷径 我只能劝你歇业
社会大学里没辅导员 考题得自己测

[Verse 4: AR]
Number 4 你得确保音乐里面有货
就像菜摆上桌 你得确保碟里面有 sauce
手艺人要立得住的话 他必须得有活
没营养的精神食粮 只能让歌迷胃受挫
开拓什么 该打破什么
不要流行什么 就说什么
可别变得忘我 敏感词是忌讳

[Verse 5: AR]
5 你得了解这个行业
教会自己 起码看懂那些 Contract
小心保护自己 这个圈子混子猖獗
确保合约给你保护 不是给你放血
[Verse 6: AR]
Number 6 不管多么板上钉钉
Never ever 工作 without a 定金
就算是骗子 他也可以穿的 bling bling
所以千万别急 迟早你电话会 ring ring

[Verse 7: AR]
Number 7 这条常常被人 miss 哥们
别没想好 就随便对人 diss 哥们
你得为你的话负责任 有人为热度骂得很气势
然后见面就各种 peace 上来直接给人 ass-kiss

[Verse 8: AR]
Number 8 工作跟生活得分开
这样不会走火入魔 有个健康的生态
我在 Studio 的后院里面种了几个盆栽
无聊的时候浇个花 感觉悠哉像在蓬莱

[Verse 9: AR]
9 跟歌迷关系得处理好
就算卖盒饭的 也有自己的坚持
哥们 don't do it
你得 Do it like a Don

[Verse 10: AR]
Number 10 这一条得给我抄上
Never ever 去惹校长
Never ever 去惹校长
把你的录音棚 变坟场
你嘴巴被人们给封了像郑 Shh
这 flow 让你感觉爽
百分之 90 说 keep it real 的实际都在说着谎
好音乐 跟火是两个概念
每一步 It's like a chess move

[Outro: AR]
有多少人追 rapper 是真的因为音乐
音乐需要听觉 但是包装更加明显
这是 Strictly Business, nothing personal
This is how you do rap, professional
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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