We the Sheeple of America lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"And he would know what's best for me, and MY family, because he's a doctor...
So we all got flu shots!"
Did you know that vitamins
And nutrients will be illegal
In the year 2010 if we don't awaken the SHEEPLE
These globalists
Are murderers
They bout to hook it up
Baby look it up!
They spray you from the sky
Like roaches, does that shock ya?
Don't worry, they got a pill
For you, ask your doctor
Are your legs restless
Are you shy?
Forget the side effects
Not that many people die
Genetically modified
Foods are the bomb
They gave lab rats cancer
But please, don't be alarmed
Soon GMO foods
Will be a staple
The only thing you'll
Be able to put on
Your kitchen table
Their own doc*ments
Have shown
'No food shall be grown
That Monsanto don't own.'
Worldwide, there ain't
Nowhere to run
Thank the
World Trade Organization
And the International
Monetary Fund
We the SHEEPLE of Amerika
Said we the SHEEPLE of Amerika
We the SHEEPLE of A-m-e-r-i-k-a
(background: sheeps baaah)
100+ of the world's
Wealthiest people meet
Every June to see to it
Their plan is complete
Prime Ministers
Billionaire CEOs
International Bankers
Also known as
The young psychopaths
Who fawn over their elders
And give them charts
And graphs...
Pondering how to
Reduce the population
Injecting our boys and girls
With poisonous inoculations
Mercury's good
At least the news will
Tell ya that
And they certainly should...
Cause they're owned by
The CFR, but who cares
About the Royal Institute
Of International Affairs
Jerry Springer's on
Two transvestites are
About to fist fight...
(gibberish and sheep's baaaahs made to sound like sarcastic laughing)
Meanwhile they're making
Plans for the Order
Of the New World
'bout to send the lambs
To the slaughter
You think they care about
3000 American men
Women and children?
They 'bout to kill a
Couple billion
If you're in the dark
My friend, you might
Despise my words
But you've had the wool
Pulled over your eyes
Collectively in a trance
We like to dance
And make romance
To psychopaths
Who tried hysteria...
We the sheeple of Amerika
Much different from
That of your great Grandma
Say hello to your
New puppet
Barack Hussein O-baaaa-ma
The president don't
Run a thing, my dear
You can stick an
Intelligent orangutan
In there
It wouldn't mean a
Daggone thing
You're owned
By Goldman Sachs
Get on your knees and
Kiss the Queen's big ring
They took away your
Vision with bling
And in the land of the
Blind, the one-eyed man
Is always king
In other words they got
The Republic by the throat
Your vote don't count
They'll never tell you where
You're headed, you nerd
A good shepherd never
Sharpens his knives
In front of the herd
That's why you keep
Your head down
Grazing in the grass
Before you know it
Now you're in a
Whole 'nother pasture
They keep you sucking on
The saccharin
And aspartame
It's eating your brain
What a disaster
Glued to the tube to see
What your favorite
Star's doing
The corporate news is
Faker than a cartoon
Even Judge Napolitano said:
"You're just a nation of sheep"
Some get slaughtered
Some get fleeced
(repeated until end)...
Sheep baaahh