Goy Boy lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
[Excerpt from a Chevrolet car commercial that aired on the Tell-Lie-Vision in October 1958]
(Dinah Shore & Pat Boone singing duet)
"Hey, have you heard about the crazy new way, to send a message today? It's flashed on a screen, too quick to see...but, still you get it subliminaly!"
New incoming...aliens aren't invading...To consider your future we need much distraction...There is just one problem...Soldiers are awakened...Millions of veterans are ready for action...We don't want the emeralds...We want the gold...The future lies in silver...But, it's the platinum I must own...
Goy boy want joy, so we put it in his reach, we let his fathers in lodges, and made him feel unique. We taught 'em how to be meek, and turn the other cheek, off the very scripture, their religions speak. The deity we gave 'em, designated to enslave 'em, got a grip upon the jugular, there's nothing that can save 'em. They might as well be in front of *Lynne Abraham's, intercept her, with mister motherf*cking "magic bullet" *Arlen Specter. And, I defy you to disrespect the veracity, I got the tenacity to connect to. You can call me Mario, or Hector, just get get my motherf*cking name right, on the check, sir. It's funny how money can make some people frown, make 'em crawl to the 56th floor, and fall down. They like to call me names, but I do not hear a sound, I will be extatic, if I live to see 'em not around...
These crypto Jew money-changers' wanna smash you...
"They own you"*
You'll be the Goyim now, when Jew justice prevails the way it has to...
"Wanking, f*cking bankers"*
We're gonna hang 'em high...
My opposition cries, like babies yell, watch out for the lies of the ADL, you'll never see me, on their map of hatred, cause every single anti-semite they created. Primetime TV is nothing short of a sex-a-thon, every November, they make you think that an election's on, terms used by Jews, make me bring a hexagon, the word anti-semitic ain't even in my lexicon. You can put that in the sh*tter, with every AIPAC bought Congress critter. There's no denying Big Brother don't keep an eye on us, and I would be lying, if I said Israel don't spy on us. Stockholm Syndrome, I'm really truly buying this, I'm telling you, don't make me start behaving like a Zionist. You wanna hate Mexicans? That is jolly good, ever since the Arabs started running Hollywood. I got a Jew-Jitsu/Karate mixture, to lobby with ya, and have you screaming like Bobby Fischer. Prove to me the Holocaust ain't a fraud, and I'll give you a six million dollar reward...
These crypto Jew...money-changers' wanna smash you...
They'll be the Goyim now, when true justice prevails the way it has to...
"They got you by the balls"*
We're gonna hang 'em high...
"They own this f*cking place"*
"The game is rigged"*
"They own this f*cking place"*
"Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care"*
"They don't give a f*ck about you"*
"Does that about say what you wanted to hear about anti-semitism? It's an automatic barometer, when somebody calls you an anti-semite, they are either a jew, or a Philo-jew. Uh...who Eustace Mullins, would use the term "shabbos-goy" which we know, means a non-jew in the pay of the jews, working for the jews, spouting the jewish philosophy, which many people endorse. Because, the jewish philosophy is...an excuse to commit crimes, that's all it is. You put all your morals aside, and you can do anything, that's the jewish philosophy. And, of course the other part of it, for the people who actually are jewish, and following the dictates of the talmud, believe that they are better than everybody else, and they act accordingly. And, we see the horror in the world, that is generated by that insanity."
*Lynne Abraham (Jew) was a 4-term D.A. (District Attorney) from Philly
*Arlen Specter (Jew) was a Senator from Pennsylvania that came up with the "magic bullet" theory in the JFK assassination
*Chevy commercial (Pat Boone & Dinah Shore)
*"WE GET OFF ON WARFARE!!!!" - Zionist "Christian" Pastor Rod Parsley
*Wanking f*cking bankers - unknown Irishman
*All other quotes are from Comedian George Carlin (R.I.P.)