Mass Hopenosis lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"We are rapidly approaching a moment of truth, both for ourselves as human beings, and for the life of our nation. Now, truth is not always a pleasant thing...But, it necessary now to make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but never-the-less distinguishable post-war environments. One, where you got twenty million people killed, and the other where you got a hundred and fifty million people killed."
"Mr. Presidеnt, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed, but I do say no morе than ten, to twenty million killed, tops..."*
We got the populous brainwashed, all in a state of shock. We got The Military Industrial Complex Goon-Squad, all on your block. And, if you happen to become aware, we don't particularly care. 'Cause we got the neutron-bombs, to instantly suck the oxygen right outta your air...
Sheeple, 'ya betta reassess the situation, the plans are in order to restructure the population, 80% at least. I hope you're payin' attention to the beasts, who plan on enslavin' you under the guise of peace. That word takes on new meaning, it don't mean what you're thinking. It means full-spectrum-dominance, for real, and you won't be born, unless you have a function to fulfill. A scientific dictatorship's more efficient, 'cause we ain't gotta waste effort to entertain 'ya pathetic b*tches. We just stick a chip in 'ya, immerse yourself, soon you'll be able to Google-Earth yourself. Real-time with no computer, we will make humans super. It's the ultimate Trojan-Horse, once you've married the beast, there ain't no divorce...
(Laughs maniacally)
We got the populous brainwashed, all in a state of shock. We got The Military Industrial Complex Goon-Squad, all on your block. And, if you happen to become aware, we don't particularly care. 'Cause we got the neutron-bombs, to instantly suck the oxygen right outta your air...
There's a war goin' on, hidden in plain view, it's mass-murda-murda-murda, and it's aimed at you. They're preparing for mass casualties, wild but true, doomsday seeds owned by Rothschild & crew. So, when the manufactured famine happen, and the start to ration-off rice, at unreasonable prices, and some people start to smash & grabbin'. Monsanto conveniently step in to save the day. Organic seeds, I take away, for GMO, I make you pay. My actions are equivalent to rapin' nuns, I'm trainin' foreign troops, how to take your guns. We don't suffer from PTSD, we give it away for free, war is ugly, we make it foggy. Line up accordingly for your shot, your vaccine's mandatory, you don't wanna get popped. We gotta set a precedent accordingly, you'll be shot, although it's not a law, we keep you in awe with a Glock, pointed at 'ya 'cause...
We got the populous brainwashed, all in a state of shock. We got The Military Industrial Complex Goon-Squad, all on your block. And, if you happen to become aware, we don't particularly care. 'Cause we got the neutron-bombs, to instantly suck the oxygen right outta your air...
"Many of us were told in private conversations, that if we voted against this bill, on Monday"
"There would be Martial-Law in America"
- Congressman Brad Sherman speaking about H.R. 1424 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (a.k.a. "The Paulson Plan" or "Wall St. Bailout Plan") at the 110th Congress 2nd session, on October 2nd, 2008. It passed, and became Public Law No: 110-343 on October 3rd, 2008
*the 2 quotes at the beginning of the track are "General "Buck" Turgidson" (Played by George C. Scott) from the 1964 film "Dr. Strangelove"