The Golem lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"Ultimate Revolution this, this method of control, by which a people can be made (Can you imagine a world, where no one suffered from war?) to enjoy a state of affairs, which by any decent standard they ought not to enjoy, uh this, uh the enjoyment of servitude"*
Imagine a world
Turn it up
"Uh, the scientific dictatorships of the future, I think there are going to be scientific dictatorships, in many parts"*
(Shoot your idiot-box)
You're gonna have to turn your talmud-vision off, if you really wanna know what’s goin' on. But, it ever pleases the great harlot has become drunk, with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Burnt offerings got you altering your thesis, trauma-based mind-control, keep you chasin' golden-fleeces. Don’t let 'em snatch you out your wagon, to escape you'll need a chariot drawn by fire-breathing dragons. To see the big picture, you simply must imagine, the whore of Babylon, in a Miss America Pageant. Smirkin' at you fervently, with a certainty, gigglin' at the Goyim, secretly callin' 'em serpent-seed. Cursedly gazin' upon every man breathin’, so eager to ban freedom, readin’ from the sanhedrin. Guarding the world's 5th largest arsenal, 400 warheads unofficially, you can’t see them. Hell-bent to conquer a land that's stolen, they created a monster, now they can't control 'em, the golem...
Can you imagine a world, where no one suffered from war?
You would have to stretch your imagination, blood profiteers have taken over your nation...
Can you imagine a world, where no one suffered from greed?
It’s more difficult than ever before, if they had their way, tomorrow they'd make it against the law...
You don't know the laws, until you've read The Protocols, manufacture the golem, but first the holocaust, a 16th century mystic know the cause. Kabbalistic is Isaac (Luria) salvaged from the zohar, a savage who likes to bullsh*t on Sabbath, in it with witches, just to worship the planet Saturn. Talmudic euthanizers, shoot the two-timer, but Rothschild shield, and ain't changed, new attire. Judeans conspire, see through the fire, Luke don't bite his tongue, he puts it through the wire. Literally atomic-bite like Dracula, financed from Kimberly Diamond Mines, in Africa. It's a new clear day, but the troops in the way, stronghold molded from nuclear clay. The Golem, solely built to kill the Goyim, deployed them. Holy-sh*t! How you destroy 'em?
Can you imagine a world, where no one suffered from war?
You would have to stretch your imagination, blood profiteers have taken over your nation...
Can you imagine a world, where no one suffered from greed?
It's more difficult than ever before, if they had their way, tomorrow they'd make it against the law...
"Manufacture the golem"
Take the dust, and make it into a shapeless husk, sculpt a form with a naked bust, and bake the crust. Now, they must place trust into this sacred figurine, with rigor they can rig a scene, they dominate the big machine. Disguising blatant lust for war as a prophecy, but the prophets that guide them all, are what their coffers see. Hypocrisy, stopping the peace rally, and claim to offer peace, then ride the golem-beast into the belly of the office feast. Aim shots at doctor, priest, and politician, 'til replace deceased, or on the mission. Above the law, beyond protest, behind a statuette, a world held hostage. No escape, a blind attack, or threat, exploiting states of fear, to stage a crisis, they're the child of El, Amen-Ra & Lady Isis. Decipher "Red Heffer", now the clue is is near, it won't get better it's new & clear, it's nuclear. Smothered in corruption, and professional denialism, enemy of the free-world - MOSSAD - Zionism...
Can you imagine a world, where no one suffered from war?
You would have to stretch your imagination, blood profiteers have taken over your nation...
Can you imagine a world, where no one suffered from greed?
It's more difficult than ever before, if they had their way, tomorrow they'd make it against the law...
"You don't know the laws, until you read The Protocols"
"The great harlot has become"
"Enemy of the free-world"
"Gigglin' at the Goyim"
"It's a nuclear day"
"Burnt offering"
"Enemy of the free-world"
"They created a monster"
*Aldous Huxley's speech on "The Ultimate Revolution" at U.C. Berkeley March 20, 1962