Call Me When You’re Free (Again) lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"You designed it, Sir. You wanted it foolproof. You told me every television in London!" - Dominic
Cruelty & injustice, intolerance & oppression, and where once you had the freedom to object, to think & speak as you saw fit. You now have censors, and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity, and soliciting your submission." - V
"Cameras. We need cameras." - Dominic
"How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the need only look into a mirror." - V
Yea, yea, yea, yea, yeah...Let me preface whatever's going to happen in the future, with the fact I'm not your typical cat, rappin' to shoot 'ya. Anything given certificate is under ownership, once you know the true predicament, you got a bone to pick. Citizens had to be pledged as collateral chattel, before the monarch could start the international battle. They tricked your parents into a human monopoly, that's why they registered you as biological property. When Britain hatched the plan to snatch the land, they gave you a legal fiction, now. That's the jam you find yourself stuck in, you're such a cool victim, indoctrinated in Rockefeller's public school system. Your Presidents work directly for The Crown, truly I did my due diligence, 'cause it's my dedicated duty. f*ck bureaucrats tryin' to fool me, The Commonwealth is dyin' to rule me, all I can tell 'em is welcome to itanimullI...((Welcome to itanimullI)) Thank you so much for coming...
You could be free again...(Oh, that would be grand) Only if you would see, my friend...(First you must understand) They pathologically pretend...(Hoping to get you on the ship) Let 'em persuade you to agree with them...(And that's it) And, it'll never cease to end...(Perpetual conflict) Free again...(Indeed, you could take the shackles off) But, have you ever really been? (According to Maritime Admiralty Law) You never will be free, my friend...(If you fail to reclaim) Your tax-money the freely spend, on wars that never seem to end...(sh*t's never gonna change)
United States is not a country, but a corporation, contractually created by The Constitution. Let there be no debate, your founding fathers intended you'd be a citizen, of your respective state. Not a citizen of The U.S., domiciled in Washington D.C., oh yes. Prior to 1921, upon arrival, the birth of babies was recorded in The Family Bible. But, after The Great Depression, people really lost they noodles, so they signed a doc*ment, that simply squandered all their scruples. Joining the ranks of former slaves' children, becoming a 14th Amendment citizen. The Social Security Act, written by actors, manufactured to make it look like a beautiful package. Too bad you never heard the news, The Social Security Act equals voluntary servitude...(Notice the deceptive language?)
You've bowed to tyranny, again...
And voluntarily, my friend...
14th Amendment citizen...
You better learn to speak to them...
If you want to be free, again...
The President of United States don't answer to The Queen, he answer to some shadowy cats that you've never seen. Frank Vanderlip wrote about it in The Evening Post, now The Creature from Jeckyl Island is robbing 'ya blind, while he's smiling at you, 'cause he's just a ghost...(You can't see him) To get a job in America, you need a SSN...To go to work in Canada, you need a card people call a SIN...They changed the names, but it's all the same, no matter where you been...They declared an emergency in 1933, and it certainly speaks to the state you're in...I got a son that I cannot call a kid...If I have my way, I'm gonna get him off the grid...I got a beautiful girl named Sophie, on the way...And, if they try to stick a little chip in my children, forget the gazillion, they're really gonna have to pay...(Really gonna have to pay) (((Pay)))
"You have no fear anymore, you're completely free." - Guard (V)
Samples are from the 2005 film "V for Vendetta"
Dominic - played by Rupert Graves
"V" - played by Hugo Weaving
Guard (V) - played by Hugo Weaving