House Of Cards (correct lyrics) lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"This weekend, a few troublemakers turned a peaceful protest against Wall St. greed, into a violent burst of chaos. The troublemakers carried pepper-spray, & guns, & were wearing badges." - unknown "news" anchorman
"They're doing it...elite jew piggies."
(Makes pig sounds)
"Can anybody name any period in history, where an economy went straight to hell in a Hay-basket, without these bast*rds having their hand in it? Call me up, and tell me about it, I'd like to hear about it."
- Charles Giuliani
I will not call you rotten muthaf*ckas elite, 'cause you've mastered the mechanics of an evil technique. The highway robbery's startin' to bother me, the history of trickery, Usury, Sodomy. There's gotta be a swift end to the indemnity, the Byzantine-model is the only remedy. AshkeNAZI-Bankers need to pay the penalty, it's well understood they murdered Lincoln, Jackson, & Kennedy. 'Cause they refused the I.O.U's, of highbrow jews, who steal your gold, & buy your news. A handful manipulate the stock-money, and I ain't talkin' 'bout Mordecai the butcher, down the block, dummy. And, I ain't no conspiracy theorist, I'm real with this, if I spot Gomorrah, I'm obligated to kill the b*tch. You gotta be quadriplegic, you ain't feelin' this, Goyim it's time to wake the f*ck up, & smell the gefilte-fish...
Right now...
(What does it mean, John 7:13?)
Now, is the time to find out how...
(Noahide laws require guillotines)
To strip the emperor, and make him bow...
(Could be done with the ease of a click of the mouse)
See the hidden-hand behind the crown...
(You don't need explosives, to bring down the house)
It's just a house of cards, it will come down...
The odds are insurmountable, and when the usurers perish, the people will be bountiful. No sympathy for devils, I don't pal-around with you, the punishment is palpable, they will be held accountable. No more Amdocs, or Comverse, no more Khazarian-barbarians allowed in commerce. Reverse the curse, ban all teleprompters, throw Ben Shalom Bernanke out the helicopter. Round up all presidential speech-writers, throw 'em in a cell, with the most dangerous street-fighters. Make criminal-justice fair, all Freemasonic-Judges get hung in the public-square. 'Cause that. There. Spells. Bloody-treason. With. Out. A Doubt. Now, that. Gives. Us. Ample reason, that they all must pay, right now...
Right now...
(What does it mean, John 7:13?)
Now, is the time to find out how...
(Noahide laws require guillotines)
To strip the emperor, and make him bow...
(It could be done with the ease of a click of the mouse)
See the hidden-hand behind the crown...
(You don't need explosives, to bring down the house)
It's just a house of cards, it will come down...
"It would be nice, if we went to something like what happened in Egypt, you know. It might be wishful thinking, but you know...the people here are completely brainwashed."