Gun Grabbers lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
[Clips from TV show Boston Legal, Season 5, Episode 3 "Dances with Wolves"]
"I'm part of the neighborhood crime-watch, way this works watch, I commit the crime." - Dan
"Oh, my god." - Jerry
"Now, now..." - Denny
"No, no, no. There's no talking, you just give me your watch & wallet, now." - Dan
"Here's my're black...I'm Denny Crane, I'm a big-shot." - Denny
"So am I." - Dan
"If you kill me, the headline is gonna be "BLACK GUY KILLS WHITE BIG-SHOT" and, that's the last thing we need, when we're trying to elect an African-American as President." -Denny
"Alright, alright...alright. Watch...wallet...gun, knee
(Dan screams in pain)
"Right foot"
"Left foot"
(Dan screaming in pain)
"Thank god for guns...huh, Jerry"
- Denny
I keep a compact tactical H&K strapped-in the hip, one in the chamber, full 10 in the clip. Free-speech zones don't bother me a bit, Gun-free zones are a lottery 'ya pick. They were invented for the express intent, to let a shooting occur, and exploit the event. (Uh-huh) Your leaders see gun-murders as priceless, the credo is never-ever waste a good crisis. Without a doubt, they wanna disarm the public, that's why I gotta p*ss on the subject. It can't happen/won't happen in a million years, listen here, too many American's love TEC's. Even though they jam, but that's ok, 'cause the AK always stays next to the SK. The people know who creates all the melee. Gun shop's outta stock? Hey, hey, hey, hey...
"As a country, we have been through this too many times. Whether it's an elementary school in N-Newtown
Or a shopping mall in Oregon...or a temple in Wisconsin...or a movie theater in Aurora...We've endured too many of these tragedies, in the past few years."*1
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that, it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do, before."*2
I'ma keep a close eye on you...Now that I know your genuine agenda, to take my right to use force against any offender. People tend to forget where they been to, take a minute to look back, and remember. (Remember when) Governments murdered over 60 million people, who couldn't fire back, 'cause gun-possession was illegal. Contemporary America's headed toward this, where all certified gun-owners are on a list, and thrown into a database, so in the future they can track & trace, and if you refuse to surrender your Luger, they can smash your face. If that's the case, you better be ready to put them back in place, your legislators are lacking the basic passion, that the action takes. They know 'ya love revolvers, they don't want 'ya usin' 'em, while your taxes been payin' for Uzi's in Jerusalem. I'll give it to you with a timeline, f*ck rumors...This is for your Diane Feinstein's & Chuck Schumer's...
"And, the average gun-owner, in large parts of America, guns are a way of life, but you know...The left wants to take that hunting rifle your Uncle Tommy gave you, when you were fourteen."*3
"Ban assault-weapons, try and reinstate the assault-weapons ban."*4
"Part of it, is seeing if we can assault-weapons ban...reintroduced."*5
"Yeah, it's gettin' tough out there, yeah no doubt. I work in home invasions, mostly. Uh...some murder. Uh...occasional R@P£, if she's hot...ha-ha, or really b¡+©hy. Uh..and I'm a huge advocate of gun-control. Absolutely."*6
"Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate, and must be dealt with...And, this crisis provides the opportunity for us, as I would do things that you could not do, before."*7
"Listen, the fact is...allowing citizens to own guns...creates a hostile work environment for me, and my associates."*8
"The President, uh...Has made clear, that uh...That he's not gonna use this horrific event, uh...To push for new gun-laws."*9
*Actors in the Boston Legal Clips*
"Dan"- played by Avery Kid Waddell
"Jerry"- played by Christian Clemenson
"Denny Crane"- played by William Shatner
*1 - Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein O'Bomb'Ya/Big Mike's Husband
*2 - Rahm Emanuel
*3 - Chuck "Chucky" Schumer
*4 - Chuck "Chucky" Schumer
*5 - Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein O'Bomb'Ya/Big Mike's Husband
*6 - Anonymous Home-Invader
*7 - Rahm Emanuel
*8 - Anonymous Home-Invader
*9 - ??? (Comment if you know)