The Obama Fraud (with correct lyrics) lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"Because what they're talking about in these books, is annihilation of self preservation, through scientific techniques & inoculations, and altering the food, and obviously the water, too." - Alan Watt
You're 'bout as sharp as a bowling ball, that's what the f*ck you're rollin' for. You ain't got the heart, to come & get smart, 'cause I stole it all. My guns spit 'fo me, I run sh*t, homie. You a two-bit monkey, on a one-trick pony. I offer a service to people, way after my record's purchased by people, I teach 'em all about the circus of evil. The ones that got you rockin' Obama berets', techoncrats & modern-day Edward Bernays'. You ain't f*ckin' with Payze, I'm amazed they're askin', your style is manufactured, you're just a slave to fashion. Your culture was created by vultures, made for maskin' a thousand points of light, reptiles bathe & bask in. I hate to tell 'ya, but you're not spittin' the funk, the only reason you're signed, Scott Rifkin was drunk. Ock, stop sniffin' the junk, you're just a hop, skip, & a jump, away from bein' a flop, b*tch, & a punk...
Wisen-up youngin', let me tell you what's hot, I sell gold 85 dollars below spot. You're drunk off the junk, your judgment's goin' in the pot, if you wanna get straight, you're gon love what i got. Wisen-up youngin', sh*t is not as it seems, they fictionalize the truth, and manufacture your dreams. I could shoot you with a gun, that make you vomit & squeal. Oh, you saw it in a movie? So, it can't be for real...
They've been moldin' your whole galaxy, perception is not necessarily reality. Unless we're talkin' 'bout the reality they create, and brag about it to the media, right in your face. You Liberals have been brainwashed, major, who think Barack Hussein Obama's gonna save 'ya. He's just a slave to the globalist queers, owned by The Royal Institute of International Affairs. And, it don't matter what the muthaf*cka talk, he ain't authorized to express an original thought. To the rulin' oligarchy Obama is just a toy, and if he doesn't follow orders, they'll kill 'em in Illinois. But, unfortunately Barack has no huevos, he don't got a snowball's chance in Barbados. (Hillary laughing) They were gonna pick Hillary, first, but they decided on McCain, now prepare for the worst...
Wisen-up youngin', let me tell you what's hot, I sell gold 85 dollars below spot. You're drunk off the junk, your judgment's goin' in the pot, if you wanna get straight, you're gon love what i got. Wisen-up youngin', sh*t is not as it seems, they fictionalize the truth, and manufacture your dreams. I could shoot you with a gun, that make you vomit & squeal. Oh, you saw it in a movie? So, it can't be for real...
Whinny Liberals are just as bad, if not worse than the Neo-Con lackeys, 'cause you follow their ideologies...(laughs) Unknowingly, dummy...
Just google the book "Between Two Ages", and you'll meet a man, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Take some time to flip through the pages, and if you understand, your mood won't be pretty. He controls Obama like a humble peanut-farmer, he's gon use him just like Carter, just to start a war with Russia. (Neutron-bomb) Megalomaniacal men control societal trends, along with a viable blend, of useful idiots, and insidious minions, who heckle the god's honest truth for a few shekels. Sadly, little do they know a thing, or two. When their job's done, they're goin' to the lethal-chamber, too. That's their plan, and they've written about it, through & through, you will not be born, unless you have a job to do...
Wisen-up youngin', let me tell you what's hot, I sell gold 85 dollars below spot. You're drunk off the junk, your judgment's goin' in the pot, if you wanna get straight, you're gon love what i got. Wisen-up youngin', sh*t is not as it seems, they fictionalize the truth, and manufacture your dreams. I could shoot you with a gun, that make you vomit & squeal. Oh, you saw it in a movie? So, it can't be for real...
"I promise" - Barack Obama
"The next phase of the machine, where you'll have an implant in your brain, have super-powers. You could be cleaning out a barn all day long, and up to your knees in cow manure, but in your head, you'll be having an adventure on the moon. And, that's what they're talking about, the conquest of the mind, the total conquest of everyone's minds, for their own use. Because, we're the experts in technology, you're not. That's their logic, that's their defense. We're in love with technology, even though we know where it's going, because we're addicted to the system ourselves. The toys, the gadgets, the gimmickry, and we follow the mouse-traps one by one, into the final one. And, that is where they hope to lead us, and make it seem excitable along the way." - Alan Watt
"A few members were even told, that there would be martial-law in America, if we voted no." - Congressman Brad Sherman
"Secretary Henry Paulson, is no George Washington." - Congressman Louie Gohmert
"I don't think anyone questions, Mr. Kashkari...that you're working hard...Our who you're working for?" - Congressman Dennis Kucinich