Lone Nuts lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"Apparently Ted, it happened around 10 o'clock this evening. John Lennon shot by a man who has been described, as you've said by the police as "Deranged", or a "Kook", or something like that."
Anybody wonderin' whether or not, John Lennon was shot by the C.I.A. in a plot to stifle the peace-movement, is obviously not payin' attention to the situation, look what we got. Mark David Chapman read "Catcher in the Rye", like John Hinckley did right before he shot his guy. Somethin' in that book carries weight, a triggеr-mechanism to switch 'em into a post-hypnotic state. That author's background's concеrnin' me, J.D. Salinger was involved in the "De-Nazi-fication" of Germany. A.K.A. "Operation-Paperclip", where The United States smuggled in 1600 Nazi scientists. Hinckley & Chapman share another intimate-relation, "World Vision" a known C.I.A. operation. Of which, John Hinckley Sr. was on the board, they recruited mercenaries "in the name of the lord." José Perdomo stood at the front of The Dakota, you could call him "Doorman" if you want, but he worked for "The Company", told Chapman to run away, he fired the fatal-shot, then kicked the gun away...
I cannot lie, my style's against the law...(my style's against the law) It doesn't feed their murderous-greed, or corporate-war...
Did you ever wonder?
Wonder why, why so many men who cry for peace, able to bring people together, wind-up missing, or deceased?
Ain't it funny how so many dedicate their lives, to truth & peace, and wind-up gettin' found decapitated on a secluded beach? Or, set-up & imprisoned, for revealin' how the system creeps, imagine gettin' dipped into a boilin' pot of kitchen-grease? Don't mistake a gentleman for a fellow, they taught you silence was golden, I'm tellin' you it's yellow. They call themselves distinguished, but I can't tell though, 'cause they don't even know an old viola, from a cello. I could pick-apart the whole string-section, make you think the brass-band had big-wings stretchin'. Imagine rubber-bullets comin' at you from every single direction, just for asking a simple question. Like, "Where the f*ck's my pension?" My company just let me go after 45 years, with no extension. [buzzing sound] Did I forget to mention? You will be shocked, prior to apprehension...
I cannot lie, my style's against the law...(my style's against the law) It doesn't feed their murderous-greed, or corporate-war...
Did you ever wonder?
Wonder why, why so many men who cry for peace, able to bring people together, wind-up missing, or deceased?
"After Lennon was shot, while waiting for the police to arrive, Chapman read J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye." The same book found in the hotel room of Reagan's would-be assassin, several months later."