Phil Lander lyrics


Payday Monsanto

"Pennsylvania Juvenile-Judge has been sentenced to 28 years in prison, for accepting millions of dollars in bribes, to incarcerate young people in detention centers, owned by friends"

1999 the morning after Halloween, the courtroom was jammed, like a big can of sardines. Officer "Hoss" was testifying as to my arrest, but he was "test-a-lying," and my lawyer made him confess. He said he "Pulled me over, 'cause the exit that I'd caught was thе wrong-way" but that was not reflected in thе report. He then asserted his "Probable-Cause" for searching was "Smelling a Drug," but nowhere on my person, did they find as much as a nugg. He did however, retrieve what he believed to be "Illegal Weapons," after illegally searching my person, and seizing the keys to the trunk, to collect 'em. It should've been clear to all in attendance, my rights were violated by the law, with a vengeance. My defense was way above-standard, however the Honorable Judge Lander, banged his gavel with a smug candor. I was convicted of "Possession of Destructive Devices, with the Intent to Deliver Without a License" Soon as I walked in the door, I put the judge's name in Google. A local paper reported on his "Masonic-Approval." It seemed he liked to "canoodle," with pre-pubescent pupils. My suspicion quadrupled, that I had been "bamboozled." I took a few belly-breaths, and I felt considerably calmer. I thought it was time to get a bit more acquainted with "his honor." I saw photos of him, with the "Kids-for-Cash" judges* He gets alot of mail, from alot of angry mothers. He sent kids to Boot-Camp for havin' a pill, or pot. And, I bet he got the same kick-backs Judge Ciavarella* got. The only difference is, he got tha loot, and got away. But, let me tell 'ya fella, I can guarantee 'ya, not today. The Honorable Phil Lander will answer the allegation, if it does insatiate the court, to simply no salvation. His buddy took a million in bribes, while destroyin' lives. Something's fishy here, I think it's gonna get more macabre. Sittin' in front of The Criminal Justice Center, in a blue Mazda, waiting for Judge Phil Lander to exit the buildin,' to follow 'em to his casa. I see him six-twenty, what'd 'ya know, it's dark enough to switch the whole plan up, and follow 'em into the parking structure. We got to level "F" he turned around startled lookin' at me, so I started reaching for the "devils-breath"* I blew 2 grams of Scopolamine* into his face, put the bag over his head, gun to his waist. (Hey, stop) I told the judge to "take me to his residence" right away, he put the Lincoln in drive, and then commenced without a delay. I brought a .45, incase the plan went astray, but the "Burundanga"* had him ready to do whatever I say. But, for good measure, and my own protection, I needed to know that we were headed in the correct direction. Upon suggestion, he emptied his pockets outright. I saw his ID, Upper-Merion, that sounds about right. I was familiar with the area, so yes indeed, when we arrived in his driveway, I was more-than-pleased. "Here's your keys" let us go unlock 'ya door. Entering the vestibule, I was c*cked sure

[PAUSE...He's talking about the .45]

"Phil, relax. Let me get you some pie. Would you like a drink? I see you've got some Rittenhouse Rye. That's my favorite brand. Is that a picture of you and Kobe shaking hands? Phil, you never told me you were a Lakers' fan."
My first order of business, was to obtain permission to his laptop, so I could nullify my bogus conviction. The good judge gladly gave me absolute access, to UJS Portal dot PA Courts dot US. Where upon I simply typed my name into a box, hit delete, sh*t was sweet, it's like I just rewound the clock. Then I exited the browser in a ruby-style, clicked computer, searched his hard drive for all movie files. 322 results, arranged 'em all by size, clicked the biggest file, and I just could not believe my eyes. It was Judge Phil Lander in the flesh, save the leather suit, leather whip, leather boots, leather vest. Dancing around the "Village-People" it was not-so-cute. On top of that, the young man with him, seemed to be a prostitute. Somethin' made me wanna hurt the judge initially, but I concluded he'd already hurt himself officially. I opened his Outlook-Express, and attached the file, to all his contacts, clicked send, and it took a while. Scopolamine* was wearin' off, so I had to knock 'em out. Crushed up 10 grams of Alprazolam*, and stuffed it in his mouth. Called the cops from the land-line in his home, took the keys to his TownCar, and I was gone...I left his amateur-video on pause front-and-center. What an adventure, when the police enter...

"Millions of dollars in kick-backs, in exchange for sending kids to private detention-centers"

You got 28 years behind bars for your crime, it wouldn't've been right if 'ya got 29...Man, 'ya should've got 80...Mainly...For what you did to that lady...You got 28 years behind bars for your crime, it wouldn't've been right if 'ya got 29...Man, the sh*t is so crazy...What'cha did to that lady...Murdered her baby...

*Judge Civarella was the judge behind the *"Kids-for-Cash" scandal

*"Devil's-Breath" & *"Burundanga" are slang words for *Scoploamine

*Alprazolam is Xanax/Bars
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