False Flag (Remix) lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"Benjamin Netanyahu's very unpopular in Israel...Uh, that there are hundreds of thousands of people protesting in the streets, before this attack happened. And, what we also find out, is that Hamas was invented by Israel. Why? Because there was the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the PLO, and they were moderate, and they were secular. So, Israel's idea was; hey let's make this radical, uh, uh, rеligious extremist organization, and they'll split thе Palestinians."
Wahhabism was a British creation, intended for the destruction of the Islamic nation. ISIS was trained in Jordan, by the MOSSAD, initially to take out Bashar al-Assad. Now, they're runnin' roughshod over the region, slaughtering children, and raping women. What's the reason? To demonize Muslims on a whole, and justify another war, for Zionist control. Consequently a minority nobody's heard of, has found themself the victim of a genocidal murda. Simply, sacrificial lambs in a ritual, for the geopolitical expansion of Israel. In, and of itself an illegal state, Harry Truman was bribed by Abraham Feinburg, in '48. Television frightened 'em with ISIS in their city, what they did to the Yazidi, is a crisis, and a pity...
"Israel, the government itself invented Hamas, funded Hamas, because they thought it would be easier to control the Palestinian people, with two different organizations vying for their loyalty. And, so that's called "Divide & Conquer", and they're not gonna tell you that on CNN, or FOX, or NBC "news." It could spin so far out of control. What happens if they do go after an Iran? Iran is aligned with Russia."
"With Russia, yeah"
"This...I mean this could get crazy, this could get really uh...World War Three, right?"
So, we got work to do, Planet of the Apes, here's your first rule, try avoid the f*cking snakes. 'Cause no doubt they're everywhere, and working for "The State." "What State?" Israel, the most powerful, no debate. I see you Joey B. & AIPAC, when you speak crap, better ring the ADL, ASAP & warn Greenblatt. 'Cause we ain't shutting up, no infact we've had enough, we twigged Epstein, yet we never locked him up. Somebody got to him first, you better know it, bro. And, learn it for yourself, don't rely on them to show it, bro. 'Cause they lie so much, they contradict their own story, eventually they'll take themselves out, with their own glory. 'Cause it don't stop there, there's many more, it's not rare, but if the media don't confirm it, then the public don't care. You f*cking rapists, degenerate racists, sadists, you belong in hell, enslaved by the faces of those you wasted...
"And, the Rothschild family has played a...played a oversize role, in fact a primary role in creating the modern "State of Israel."
Look out for those bombers, 'cause they're coming to get 'ya, they'll have you wondering why your security wasn't better. But, the truth is it doesn't matter to a banker, they create a a terrorist as a boogey-man to distract 'ya. Like a plane crash, forcing 'em to jump from the roof, just like you did on 9/11, when you buried the proof. They think we're praising Hitler, like he's the best, like we be worshiping Alex Jonestein & Kanye West? Little do they know, they failed the test, because the Nazis were Zionist made, just like the rest...
"This is not a secret, they were cooperating, because they had the same idea. That the European Jews should not be in Europe, they should be in Palestine."
Invading Iraq is not heroism, when you justify the attack with false-flag terrorism. Obama was a real bomb dropper, even joked about it, that's a real song stopper...
"And, you will never see it coming"
"Predator drones"
"They think I'm joking"
They profit from war, soldiers dead on the floor, parents asking for more, than just the post at the door. End the blood & the gore, stop the famine abroad, drop the bat, the chainsaw, and grab a warrior sword. This is the heart of the storm, my style is far from just warm, it's overheating & erupting, sh*t my style ain't the norm. You shiesty c*nts, you've been warned...
The stigmatism is long overdue, to come tumblin' down, I care not about a mumblin' clown, who tries to equate legitimate criticism, with hate. The recidivism rate of your infringements, vindicate action. Israel's courting a war, repeatedly scoffing at International Law. Shooting at civilians indiscriminately, to occupy a land, with absolutely no legitimacy. You see, territory can't be acquired by conflict, West Bank, Golan Heights, and the Gaza Strip. Nobody in their right mind, can defend Israel, killing Palestinian children, with American-made missiles...
The first Payday verse is from
"Beyond Reasonable Doubt"
The second Payday verse is from
"All Jew Respect"