No Monsanto lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"William, in the first chapter, or the introduction of your book*, you bring forth a very famous quote, which is that of Henry Kissinger."
"Right." - F. William Engdahl
"Which says "Control the oil, and you control nations, control the food, and you control the people."
Thanks to all who lent support, when people threatened me with court, they tried to persecute me, for the goodies I produce. One day I spliced a couple genes, I seen this vision in a dream. Isn't this a beauty? It came right to me...
Control the whole world, with just a little seed...
Some people call it avarice, but I don't see the greed...
Just try to understand...
Try to understand...
I don't wanna take your land...
My name is Monsanto, mad-scientists set loose, you want record? I got the whole Kit & Caboose. The trees & the bees are extinct, your god had died, I got the food that's genetically modified. Yummy, yummy, good for your tummy, frankenstein bovine, that make me mad money. I splice a lightning-bug gene, with bull semen, produce enough beef, to keep the whole world screamin'. Just one caveat, that you're not supposed to know, when the little baby calf's drop out, their noses glow. I'll make the earth cry heavenly tears, worked with The Pentagon for over 70 years. Some people say I'm mad foreigners, and label me...'cause I made the They're just upset, I'm gonna keep the yacht a rockin', hit 'em with dioxin & heavy-metal toxins. My terminator seeds'll brighten-up your darkest day, they commit suicide, right after harvest. "Franken-Food" some people keep yellin', they don't wanna consume, the miracle I'm sellin'. Good for them, they have no choice, I've bought they congressmen, they have no voice...just a facsimile, thereof. Don't it seem so real, now? Show mad love, it's all been constructed for you, don't resist, now. Please, it's not much that you could do...
C'mon farmers, don't try to resist...
My GMO is wind-born, all it takes is just a kiss...
So, try to understand...
Try to understand...
Try, try, try to understand...
We gotta have your land..., no,, no,, no,
No Monsanto, that's what they all say...
The only game in town, now. Pretty soon, you'll have to play...
Just try to understand...
Try to understand...
Try, try, try to understand...
We gotta have your land...
*The book is "Seeds of Destruction"
By F. William Engdahl