Victim’s Revenge (pt. 3) lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"Babbling in, in, in you, in, in the good 'ol boy roundcircle, y'know all repeating what they read in The Wallstreet Journal to each other, like they're real smart. Oh, it's so sick, and I literally just wanna walk up, and just start knocking their teeth out. Oh, you think you're a tough guy, and real smart? Got the clean-cut haircut, and the fancy suit, and 'ya drive around, and 'ya like the war. Here, you like this? Unnh! Here goes your teeth in your throat, because you people wouldn't wake up, when we could've averted this."*
Hello, morons in the land...
(Hello, morons in thе land)
Are your minds at your command?
(Are your minds at your command?)
Why do you fail to see the plan?
(Why you fail to see thе plan?)
Even a child can understand...
Unh! I can you yuppies smile...
This been goin' on for a while...
They dumbed 'ya down, now...
And, it's a shame...
Somebody done robbed you...
And, you know their name...
It's the sucker in you...
That makes them love to play this game...
The very same people who pretend to be your friend, keep on f*ckin' you, time & time, again. You don't know any better, like a toddler who is ten. You lay down on your stomach, and you let them put it in. If I was your father, I would leave you black & blue. I'ma tell your mother, she should hit you with a shoe. If you praise NeoCons, I'm talkin' to you. You deserve a beatin', nothin' else could be more true...
Why you let your country die?
Yes, it makes me wanna cry...
They sold you out, now...
And, that's the truth...
They're planning to kill you...
And, I got proof...
It's the sucker in you...
That makes you wanna drink their juice...
(Payday scattin' to the beat)
Look who, it's an invalid, nincompoops will continue to scratch their heads, and wonder why their dollar can't buy a quart of milk, or half a loaf of bread. Devils took control of your dough, up, down, wherever they want it to go, now. They devalued your cash, when the market crashes, we're merging with Mexico...
Hello, NeoCon command...
(Hello, NeoCon command)
Soon, you'll all be in the can...
(Soon, you'll all be in the can)
The populace don't know your plan...
(Most don't know your evil plan)
But, we gon' make them understand...
"And these So-Com punks, running around on the internet, deleting all of our information, and lying about us. It's always the same mantras about tinfoil hats, and how we support the Muslim extremists. I'm not the one that blocked the lawsuit, against the Saudi's for the 9/11 victims, you sc*mbag, sh*t-Com, traitors! Listen right now! Unh...I hate you! You un-American sc*m of hell! Let me tell you, when we take this country back, you're all gonna be arrested! You think you're gonna take our guns, and push us around? You maggot eating sc*m! We're gonna rise up, and get our hands around your throat. I'm tired of the New World Order running roughshod over us, and I'm tired of an army of waddling fake Christians, that back 'em up! I'm sick of it!"*
*Alex Jones