Whatchoo Wanna Do? lyrics
by Payday Monsanto
"Now, again these people carried out 9/11...I mean that, that's a fact. You don't wanna believe it? Fine, don't go check it out. They carried it out, we have their official plan to do it. But, even if terrorism was real, the borders are open, they fund the terrorist groups, they're doing nothing. They're...using Patriot Act on everybody & anybody...and nothing...you know...they're...hey, the terror is real. The...the men in a cavе hijacked jets, and had NORAD stand down, and ran drills with the еxact same thing happening."*
Reflex in the sky warned you, you're gonna die, storm's coming you better hide, from the atomic tide. Flashes in the sky turns houses into sty, turns people into clay, radiation 'mise decay. What y'all wanna do? Let's get it on, chickens gotta roost, they're comin' home. What y'all wanna do? Let's get it on, I've been warnin' you, they're comin' home...
Soldiers, they wash their brain, the people who control 'ya are insane. They got megatons they wanna drop, all these NeoCons ain't gonna stop. Your trusted leaders lied, innocent women & children died, billions of mothers cried. Are you gonna let these monsters slide? They've got megatons they wanna drop, no these NeoCons ain't gonna stop. They've got viruses to kill a race, go to Mickey D's, and fill your face...
Mmm...this Big Mac is bangin'...
Bovine growth hormones? What's that? Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors? I never heard of...
They've learned from SS slaughter, Hitler was the first to fluoridate the water. There has been a plan to destroy your borders, and have the people beggin' for a new world order. Chickenhawks are laughin' like somethin' is funny, the sheeple wanna spend their fiat money. And, if you believe these bona fide dummies, then you must believe in the easter bunny...
What y'all wanna do? Let's get it on. I've been warnin' you these NeoCons, they've got megatons they wanna drop, and if nothin's done, it ain't gonna stop...
"Using Patriot Act on everybody, and anybody, and they flew the bin Laden family out here, under Bush's orders "by accident", then the CIA did insider trading, told the joint chiefs of staff not to fly to New York that day, and phoned Mayor Willie Brown don't come to New York that day, just all that was just by accident, and it's just.. It's just...okay fine. They're still using all this to take our freedom, which doesn't have nothing to do with terrorism."*
*Alex Jones