by takizava
All you do is mezmorize me with your lullabies
You tear me down and then the same day say you'll be alright
’Cause you don't really care
You just really want me there to distract you girl I swear
All my vision is impaired
'Cause everyday the same thing
I been waking up still stuck on the main thing
The fact that I’ll only live if I get saving
You can't be that girl you hate me
Nah just forget it
It only gets to me if I wanna let it
I was tripping yesterday I'm not gonna stress it
'Cause if I moved on you would get jealous
I don't rеally need that life is kind of hectic
So I don't need you
I don't need you I don't need you
So I don’t need you
I don’t need you I don't need you
All you do is mezmorizе me with your lullabies
You tear me down and then the same day say you’ll be alright
'Cause you don't really care
You just really want me there to distract you girl I swear
All my vision is impaired
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Social media Killed Love
The world is what you make it