Praylude lyrics
by Deante’ Hitchcock
[Interlude: JaelSpeaks]
Whether in nights too dark to remember
Or in days too bright to see
I search for God, unafraid of finding myself
Yet for some reason I cried when I looked in the mirror
And found the truth to be inside of me
I did not believe she was me
But I always knew somewhere she existed
I guess I could not fathom the idea of my broken pieces creating such an existence
I looked for myself in them
I looked for myself in you
I looked for myself in love and for so long
I did not believe the value of my burning bush
Did not believe in my God
Did not sit in my temple of praise
The idea of finding myself anywhere but here
I've learned to love in my own language
To tell the truth freely
To see myself as beautiful
My life is beautiful and I know
That soon I will not cry
Soon I will be dipped in milk and honey
Soon I will not have to wait for you to save me
But I will save me
Because the heart of a woman is like the singing coming off the drums
It's neo-soul and soft magic
Love poems and wild beauty
Fervent and churchless
Yet altogether we are God's psalms today
We must shake loose our mask
Like the heart of a comet
And not let this prayer become helium in our hands
We must not flinch or fold or move when n*ggas come to us with the smoke
We must remember that we are the fire
That this poem the flame, this body a living sacrifice
Holy, but filled with grace
Worthy as the apple in all of their eyes
And it is this prayer that we must do in remembrance of me today
I looked in the mirror today
I want you to look in the mirror today
I want you to look in the mirror
And I want you to praise God