R.I.P Juice lyrics
by Tundra Beats
I listen you and fly on my bed
I can't believe you, you're back in my head
We wanted to see you have again
I still see your shadows in my room
I never thought it would be you
As my life changed your verse hook
You're the only one who told me the truth
I love you bruh, you drank all the world juice
You will live for forever us
You were close to me in your state of mind
All girls are same, we don't now a why
We've been through the hard way on high
I and Juice wrld mp3 file
[Russian Verse]
Легенда в мп3 файл
Я на репит твой голос поставлю
Разбитое сердце некому ранить
Он парит высоко, его никто не достанет
Стал недосегаем за витриной
Он зажег огонь, который никогда не остынет
Мысли не превратятся в пепел отныне
Бесконечность в песнях никто не отнимет