She pulls each string attached to vital organs with a crippling chuckle
He shrieks until it's no longer worth mentioning
There's a blizzard outside the dollhouse that permits man from simple rituals
Inside it's not much different
The hammer smacks his knees and he's forced to prey to the demon's insecurities
On a pathological, uni-dimensional system of devilish symbols
Which means it doesn't get more disgusting than a moaning desperate soul screaming please don't go until the life is gone
I know the lights are on and I used to light cigarettes with 'em
Make a sacrifice humans are vices too
Comfort is a lesser civilized form of conformity
Let's dance on pincushions birth control pills shall be a prison cell
All it wants is an engagement ring circle of fire another devilish ceremony
She's wearing a black cloak to the wedding
And he's wearing a glue on tie to match the body cast
And every member of the family is lonely and happy, and doesn't have anything to complain about
But never shuts the f*ck up till he's bathing in a puddle of urine
The cast beautifully fitting
Get well soon I wrote on the chest in the same shades we used to paint walls with till modern technology made the arms obsolete
I imagine she's standing on a toadstool built from the same family tree of broken branches
But the lovely leaves keep them from falling below
The fruits grew up rotten spoiled and spawning parasitic tendencies
My friend, I fear the juices might kill you
But I can't help you
My make pretend crew, runs thicker than fake blood in horror movies
Man and woman is killing babies
Man and woman still beat each other
Man and woman can barely rarely speak
Man and woman are all we have and can't love