3.22.19 lyrics
by Neptune
Some would say silence is a loss
But the way I see things
Is that silence is just an interim
For what is yet to unfold
Perhaps it is a mechanism of god
To give us breath, air travels through our body
And the body aligns
With mother earth
Which we are not above
And shall not sin above
For violence is nothing
But thoughts
Who could never hear themself speak
Who could not see past the rain
Who never knew their voice
And now we have reached the peak
There is nothing left
Have your actions overcome you?
Have you realized your purpose?
Do you believe your actions are wrongs
Or do continue to believe they are meant to be
That the voices are gods
or are of your temptation, your need to destroy
that you are expanding your mind
or opening your heart
To think or to feel, that is the question
I am sitting, alone, on an island
Because often I find myself crowded
By a sea of nobodies
An ocean of flesh
But no waves at bay, not even a splash
So I swim
My voice unheard, but my spirit calling from somewhere distant
“run, keep going”
So I run across the water
Run across the cold, wet wasteland
And as I search I find something
Something strong
Something alive
So I run, run faster
But I never feel myself tiring, feeling as though the wind is carrying me
But all I find
Is a whirlpool
I slip, I pull as hard as my feeble bones allow
But the harder I try the water moves a thousand times faster
I feel my breath slipping as I am pulled into the vortex
Mouth, nose, eyes
I scream, but the raging waves grow louder
And the water grows darker
As though I am closing my eyes
But I refuse to, refuse to let go of the impossible chance
Of seeing any light
As I draw my final breath
Wishing I could see the island again
I have never danced in my life
But I am a poet
And because I am a poet, I am a dancer
I jump higher than my body would ever carry me
I tread over air like a swan over water
But the wind knocks me down
And I get up again
Striving to find the right words
As a dancer would strive for the right position
Only to live in the air, in the moment
Away from the troublesome ground
And touch my mind
As a dancer would touch the heavens
So I am no dancer of the body
But I am a dancer of the heart
And a dancer of the soul