Sora's group proceeds to the Empty House. In there...
Kairi: There's something about this musty place...
An image of Kairi appeared.
Kairi: It reminds me of the secret place back home, where we used to
scribble on the walls. Remember?
Sora: (confused) Kairi?
Goofy: Sora?
Sora pulled himself together and Kairi is not there. Later...
Merlin: Well, well... You've arrived sooner than I expected.
Sora: Wha... You knew we were coming?
Merlin: Of course.
Sora: Are you...a Heartless?
Donald: He doesn't look like one.
Merlin: Oh, my. No. My name is Merlin. As you can see, I am a sorcerer.
I spend much of my time traveling. It's good to be home. Your king has
requested my help.
Goofy: King Mickey?
Merlin: Yes, indeed. Donald, Goofy. And who might you be, young man?
Sora: I'm Sora.
Merlin: Ah. So, you have found the key.
Donald: What did the king ask you to do?
Merlin: Just a moment...
Merlin steps up on the center circle and opens his bag.
Merlin: Presto!
Merlin's stuff comes out of the bag and with a bright flash, the Empty
House is now called the Magician's Study.
Merlin: There, now. Ahem. Your king asked me to train you in the art of
magic. We can start anytime you like. Let me know when you're ready to
begin the training. Oh, and one more thing.
Sora's group saw a small carriage and it transformed into the Fairy
Fairy Godmother: Hello. I'm the Fairy Godmother. Your king asked me to
help, too. I will assist throughout your journey.
Merlin: I do not know how much I can be of help, but do stop by anytime.
Sora talks to Merlin again and gave the Old Book to him.
Merlin: Oh, that book... So, Cid asked you to bring this. Thank you. You
wish to know what kind of book it is? I don't even know, myself. In
fact, it's not mine. Somehow it found its way into my bag one day. It
was such a curious book, I asked Cid to repair it for me. Well, I guess
I'll put it here somewhere, for now. This book holds a great secret. The
missing pages will unlock it. I'll leave the book over there. Do look at
it whenever you like. My best regards to Cid for repairing it for me.
Oh, and about that stone of yours... You should ask the Fairy Godmother
about that.
Sora talks to the Fairy Godmother.
Sora: Do you know what this is?
Fairy Godmother: Oh, the poor thing! He has turned into a summon gem.
Sora: A summon gem?
Fairy Godmother: This little creature lived in a world that was consumed
by darkness. When a world vanishes, so do its inhabitants. But this one
had such a strong heart, he became a gem instead of vanishing with his
Sora: Can he regain himself?
Fairy Godmother: Yes, but only his spirit. Now, watch! Bibbity Bobbity
The Fairy Godmother cast a spell on the summon gem. Sora learned the
summon spell Simba.
Fairy Godmother: Whenever you call, he will help you. If you find any
more of these, bring them to me. Don't worry, when their worlds are
restored they will return there. Sora, please help save them.
Sora: Don't worry, I will.
Before Sora could leave...
Merlin: You'd best go see Cid before going anywhere else.
Sora's group proceeds to the Third District. In there, the Heartless
appeared to attack, but someone came in and defeated the Heartless with
his sword.