Chapter 27: Pinnochio lyrics


Kingdom Hearts

The screen switches to the dark area with Maleficent, Hades, and Riku.
Hades: That smarmy vizier could've had 'em-if someone had stuck around
to give him a hand.

Riku: Hey, I did my part. I brought the princess, didn't I?

Maleficent: Jafar was beyond help, consumed by his own hatred. One
should beware of letting it burn too fiercely.

Hades: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lighten up. I'm as cool as they come, okay? (to
Riku) By the way, kid, have we got something special for you.

Riku: Huh?

Maleficent: We had a deal, yes? You helped us, and we grant you your

The image of Kairi laying down unconscious appeared at the table.

Riku: Kairi!

Maleficent: Go to her. Your vessel is waiting.

Captain Hook appeared.

Captain Hook: Just remember, this is no pleasure cruise. It won't be a
pleasant voyage.

Riku: Why are you doing all this for me? What's the catch?

Maleficent: Catch? What's the catch? Silly boy. You're like a son to me.
I only want you to be happy.

Maleficent gently touches Riku's face and Riku angrily shoves
Maleficent's hand away from his face.

Riku: I seriously doubt that.

Maleficent: Believe what you wish. But lest we forget, I kept my end of
the bargain.

Riku left the scene.

Sora's group boards the Gummi Ship. While traveling, they saw a huge
whale passing by.

Donald: What is that?

Sora: Wow, it's huge!

The whale went past the Gummi Ship.

Goofy: It's a giant whale!

Jiminy: It's Monstro! He's a whale of a whale, and vicious besides!

Monstro came back.

Donald: Whoa! Sora, get us out of here!

Sora: Too late! He's going to swallow us!

Monstro swallowed the Gummi Ship along with Sora's group. In Sora's
dream when he was young along with young Riku...

Sora: It's true! I saw it with my own eyes!

Riku: You sure you didn't just hear it this time?

Sora: What difference does it make? There's a huge monster in there, I
tell you!

Riku: All right. Suppose there really is a monster... Think we can beat
it by ourselves, Sora?

Sora: No problem. Let's do it! Listen! There! Can you hear it growling?

Riku: Shh, quiet. We've gotta be careful.

In the cave...

Riku: See that? It was just the wind making that noise.

Sora: Aw, man. I wish it was a monster! (saw a door) Hold on! What's
that over there?

Riku: A window, or maybe a door? It won't open.

Sora: Geez, is that really all that's in here?

Riku: What do you expect in a boring place like this? Hey, Sora.

Sora: Hm?

Riku: When we grow up, let's get off this island. We'll go on real
adventures, not this kid stuff!

Sora: Sure. But isn't there anything fun to do now? Hey, you know the
new girl at the mayor's house?

Sora's dream ended. Later inside Monstro, Donald Duck is waiting

Donald: Knock it off!

Sora gets up.

Goofy: Hey, Sora. Are you okay?

Sora: What are you guys doing? Where are we, anyway?

Suddenly, an item dropped and it narrowly misses Sora.

Goofy: Uh, ya know, I think that big ol' whale Monstro just swallowed
us. And for today's weather: expect showers.

An item dropped on Goofy, but it hit his shield.

Goofy: Heavy showers!

Donald: Hey! Who's there?

Pinocchio: It's me.

Donald: Oh, it's just Pinocchio. Pinocchio!?

Pinocchio walks away with the item he found in the treasure chest.

Jiminy: Pinocchio? Pinocch, where are you going? Pinocch! Come on,
everybody! After him! Quick!

Sora's group moves closer to the shipwreck.

Geppetto: What have you got there, Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: With this, we can get out of here, Father.

Geppetto: Really? With this big block? You think so?

Sora's group later finds Pinocchio with Geppetto.

Sora: It's true. (to Pinocchio) So, how did you end up here, Pinocchio?

Geppetto: Oh, my. So the whale swallowed all of you, too? My goodness.

Sora: Yeah, looks like it.

Geppetto: My name is Geppetto. I'm Pinocchio's father. When we got
separated, I traveled all over, looking for him. Thank goodness we're
together again.

Pinocchio suddenly spots Riku running into the other area of Monstro.
Geppetto moves the large green object that Pinocchio found.

Geppetto: So, you seem to know Pinocchio quite well. I hope he was a
good boy in my absence. Well, we've all had quite a journey. Right,
Pinocchio? Pinocchio?

Pinocchio disappeared. Sora's group goes to Chamber 1. In there...

Sora: (to Pinocchio) What are you doing? Come on, let's go back.

Goofy: You know, Geppetto's awfully worried about you.

Sora: Pinocchio, stop fooling around! This is no time for games!

Before Sora's group could leave...

Riku: But, Sora, I thought you liked games. Or are you too cool to play
them now that you have the Keyblade?

Sora: Riku! Wh-What are you doing here?

Riku: Just playing with Pinocchio.

Sora: You know what I mean! What about Kairi? Did you find her?

Riku: Maybe. Catch us and maybe I'll tell you what I know.

Sora: Come on!

Riku grabs Pinocchio's arm and takes off to another area. Sora's group
goes after them. Later in Chamber 6...

Maleficent: (to Riku) Why do you still care about that boy? He has all
but deserted you for the Keyblade and his new companions, after all.

Riku: I don't care about him. I was just messing with him a little.

Maleficent: Oh, really? Of course you were. Beware the darkness in your
heart. The Heartless prey upon it.

Riku: Mind your own business.

Maleficent went through a portal and disappeared. Sora's group chases
Pinocchio and then, they saw Riku.

Sora: Riku! What's the matter with you? What are you thinking? Don't you
realize what you're doing?

Riku: I was about to ask you the same thing, Sora. You only seem
interested in running around and showing off that Keyblade these days.
Do you even want to save Kairi?

Sora: I do.

Sora's group proceeds to the Bowels. In there, they saw Pinocchio
trapped in Parasite Cage.

Riku: You up for this?

Sora: No problem. Let's do it!

Riku: Hmph.

Sora's group and Riku fight Parasite Cage. After the fight, Parasite
Cage releases Pinocchio and got away. Pinocchio fell into a pit and Riku
follows. Sora's group jumps down the pit and they ended up back in the
Mouth. Then...

Geppetto: Pinocchio! Pinocchio! Please! Give me back my son!

Riku: (holding the unconscious Pinocchio) Sorry, old man. I have some
unfinished business with this puppet.

Geppetto: He's no puppet! Pinocchio is my little boy!

Riku: He is unusual. Not many puppets have hearts. I'm not sure, but
maybe he can help someone who's lost theirs.

Sora: Wait a minute. Are you talking about Kairi?

Riku: What do you care about her?

Riku got away. Sora's group chases after them in the Throat. Then,
Sora's group gets sucked up to the Stomach. In there...

Sora: Hey, let Pinocchio go, Riku.

Riku: A puppet that's lost its heart to the Heartless... Maybe it holds
the key to helping Kairi. How about it, Sora? Let's join forces to save
her. We can do it, together.

Sora readies his Keyblade.

Riku: What? You'd rather fight me? Over a puppet that has no heart?

Sora: Heart or no heart, at least he still has a conscience.

Riku: Conscience?

Sora: You might not hear it, but right now it's loud and clear. And it's
telling me you're on the wrong side!

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