Where do you find your strength?
My strength is my rage!
Still your mind is closed!
Well, engage, we stay opposed
Till you break out of this cage
Yeah? Come on!
Here comes the Earthbreaker!
This should be fun...
What is the meaning of this?
That weapon at your side makes a
Mockery of any fight you step in!
Earthbreaker, you may not agree with me
But this sword and me were meant to be!
That’s what makes me nervous
You’re too close in wavelength
Now tell me Grog
Where is your strength?
Where is your strength?
Where is your strength?
Where is your strength?
Where is, where is your strength?
That’s not my thing…
Your strength is great enough
Without this bloodlust
My friends are strong
This makes me stronger
It does nothing, but sow seeds of
Darkness and mistrust
Fine then, I’ll stick it here to rust
Nah, I’ve gotta pick it up
This fight’s a slog...
Your will’s your own
I am not your father, just an advisor
And you are grown
Don’t listen to this fool drone on
Why overthink it?
There’s ancient dragon blood to spill
So I can drink it...
Grog, you don’t need your rage
Nor that sword of spite
What does it have planned?
Look, if you—
If you could understand
All the battles I’m in, all the foes I’ve had to beat
You wouldn’t be so quick to get rid of this sword
You’re stronger than this thing that binds you tight
It makes me stronger when things die
Throw off this evil blight, Grog
Where is your true might?
Back off, this goliath’s mine!
My strength...is in my friends
Then you know your path
The lesson ends
Get rid of it