Judge of All the Earth lyrics
by Andy Mineo
Tune in with concentration as we resume the conversation
The loftiest thoughts conceivable for human contemplation
Trying to search the mysteries of the divine is real deep
And when it comes to the nature of God, at times we still sleep
We must risk people tuning us out as we discuss this
The topic on the table for reflection? God's Justice
The Scriptures are clear: salvation belongs to God alone
And that righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne
He's the priceless gift and treasure, all life exists for His pleasure
And He is the standard by which all righteousness should be measured
All human judges fail- no need to share the statistics
But God judges perfectly due to His characteristics
First, He's omniscient, so He never lacks information
Secondly, His understanding: it has no limitations Plus He knows the thoughts and all the motives behind them
And no one could ever go hide in a place where the Sovereign LORD cannot find them
When passing a sentence, He has the power of execution
The proper retribution for our private revolutions
And He's in the position to smash us for our treason
No one'll be copping pleas when God dispatches all His legions
To execute the sentence on resolute defendants Who rejected the truth because they never knew repentance
And those who stood against the Great I Am and His Anointed
When God judges the nations through the Man He has appointed
The Judge of all the earth shall do right The Judge of all the earth shall do right
He is good and His ways are just
Worthy of our faith and trust
The Judge of all the earth shall do right
As we continue to consider this particular perfection
Let's take a second to address a few misconceptions
When many think of God they assume His love is a must
That's true, but it doesn't negate the fact that God is just
So when we say this, they'll wanna take us off the playlist
But God is never under obligation to be gracious
See, justice and mercy are two separate categories
And God is the one who chooses which way He'll have His glory
The choices The Holy One certainly can't be faulted
In punishing the guilty, His righteousness is exalted
He also rewards the righteous, we kind of/ sort of like this
The problem of course is that nobody who's born is righteous
All of Adam's descendants are inherently filthy
That's problematic for a God who will not clear the guilty
If God is gonna save us and demonstrate what His love is
It must be in a manner that's consistent with His justice
Jesus Christ, The Righteous One, the perfect solution
Proving that God is just on the basis of substitution
Perfect obedience, consecration without a flaw
Yet on the cross He suffered the condemnation of the law
So now God is able to be just and the justifier
Of all who turn from their sin and place their trust in Messiah
The resurrected Lord is our infinite treasure truly
He gives us new eyes to see His justice in all its beauty!
The Judge of all the earth shall do right The Judge of all the earth shall do right
He is good and His ways are just
Worthy of our faith and trust
The Judge of all the earth shall do right