Ragged Coat lyrics
by Булат Окуджава (Bulat Okudzhava)
I wore my ragged coat so bare
The tattered sleeves were thin as paper
And so I took it to a tailor
And asked him kindly for repair
I made a joke, and said
"This coat requires total restoration
To bring me glory and salvation
I need your skillful hands to sew!"
But then my playful little words
Took on a meaning unintended
As he methodically mended
He seemed disturbed
Peculiar bird...
And I observed the silent way he worked
To rectify the garment
As though my soul depended on it
This ragged coat, for all my days
He thought I'd slip into the sleeve
And I'd believe again so clearly
That somehow you could love sincerely
But that's absurd
Peculiar bird...
Опять в твою любовь поверю
Как бы не так
Такой чудак...