We are so fragile and fake
Lashing out every moment passing every day
We are so easy to find
Tucked beneath the roots of a gold mine
I cannot bear witness to this
A tragedy that surely won't be missed
I cannot climb up from this well
The water rises and pours in to my heart now
I feel it coming
I fee it grip me from my head to my toe
I feel it calling
And it's back into the depths I must go
I am gone, I'm on my way
Don't worry too much
I'll be back again someday
And Sometimes I get quite sad
I hold it in
Not to worry my mom or my dad
And now I'm letting you in
The waters rising
And I just don't know how to swim
And now I'm letting you go
I'll run away and find a place to call my own
I feel it coming
I fee it grip me from my head to my toe
I feel it calling
And it's back into the depths I must go
I must go
I cover myself in these colours of you
And still I’m surrounded by nothing but blue