Child #1: Wow, so far, drag sounds awesome!
Nina West: Yes, but drag has a darker side. Do you guys know what reading is?
Child #2: Of course we know what reading is! I read books all the time.
Nina West: Well, that's the good kind of reading. But reading can also be when you say something sassy about another person.
Child #1: Oh, like if I said, "who made your dress, Nina, the mice from Cinderella?"
Nina West: Exactly!
Child #2: Or if I said, "hey, Nina, is that a wig on your head or a doggy daycare?"
Nina West: Sure, yeah, you-you got it.
Child #1: No, no, no, wait. "Hey, Nina, do you put your makeup on with a spatula or a sledgehammer?"
Nina West: Okay, okay, you get it. I know you're having fun, but that kind of stuff can hurt people's feelings.
Child #2: Yeah, we didn't really mean it anyway. You look fabulous.
Nina West: Obviously. But that's why we need to spread the word about good reading and bad reading. Oh, here's a song about it.