Nina West: Well, kids, it looks like we're nearing the end of the album. What would you say that you've learned?
Child #1: That I wanna be just like you.
Child #2: Yeah! I wanna wear dresses like you and do my makeup like you and wear wigs like you and—
Nina West: Well, that's very flattering and understandable, to be honest. I mean, I look great. But I think the best thing you can be is you.
Child #1: But I'm boring.
Nina West: How dare you. You're you. There's nobody else like you. Don't you see how special that is?
Child #2: Not really.
Nina West: You are a unicorn. You're a superstar. You are a one-of-a-kind, original, limited edition, super special, unique specimen of fabulosity and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Children: Yes, Miss Nina.
Nina West: And if you ever need a reminder, I wrote this song just for you.