Hey yea yea yea yea...
You wake up in the morning thinking it is just another day
You were answering the phone girl, turns out that your date is gay
Meeting up with your girls for a lunch, talking 'bout men and general
For a one you got finally marry got cheated on after all!
This is sex and the city! Welcome to the craziest place
This is sex and the city! The ultimate sexual mess, girl
This is sex and the city! Da da da da da yea yea yea
Sex and the city, da da da da yea yea yea..
After work there's another party, tryin' to get over your ex (over your ex)
Full of c*cks, full of coctail bottles, you find your self having sex
Hey yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea..
Ah, did you see what she was doin'? Girl, no she didn't..!?
This is sex and the city! Welcome to the craziest place
This is sex and the city! The ultimate sexual mess
This is sex and the city! Da da da da da yea yea yea
Sex and the city, da da da da da yea yea yea
That's right.. welcome to the city, the craziest place..(ha ha ha)
Sex in the city, come on I say, sex in the city..
This is sex and the city, welcome to the craziest place!
This is sex and the city, the ultimate sexual mess!
This is sex and the city, da da da da da yea yea yea!
Sex and the city, da da da da da, sex and the city..