I Writ My Hopes lyrics
by Xaon
A ferocious gaze thrown at the fleeing reefs
Won't bring peace into our hearts
The blade is lost, the tears are on their way
But the imbalance is already obtained
When the sand turns blue from your tears
The waves, suspended will crash
Close to your body shining like parma leather
I rolled before sailing away
Hopes and blabber rise on the bridge
But all this water, all these waves
Monstrous surroundings tirelessly entwine
Behind the curtains of our cabins burnt by daylight
This light and water will pierce and rock our souls
Until we lose track of the years spent in the slam
Crystalline spears will create as they pierce us
Murmurs elevated through the cloth
All this fabric is nothing but the fabric of our hearts
And the tip of these spears will unroll the strings with great painful sluggishness
Everything sounds fake
Even our flee through the faraway winds
Appears in its entire falseness
Our escape is nothing but the other side of this hand
Tightening our shriveled organs in terror
When the night will fall by our side
The yellow shield sinking and abandoned
Will grow its staggering impressions of splendor
Blending with the merciless elusive colors
That our intertwined souls will lose on the ocean
Among this nocturnal and glacial wind whipping our red cheeks
This absence throbs in the cloudy void of our lives
While the pale drops start flogging the blued spaces
In front of the shadows created by the rain, my eyes, betrayed, suffocate