Somebody Buy Me a Drink lyrics
by Oscar Brown Jr.
The other night, I was on Skid Row
By a liquor store sign's garish glow;
I saw a fellow I used to know a long, long time ago
He stood with the lost, with the living dead
With rumpled clothes and a reeling head
Reviewing the wasted life he'd led, and as I passed he said
"Let me tell you a story that's sad but true
About someone who just may remind you of you
Let me tell you a tale that may help you wake up and think -
Somebody buy me a drink
"It begins long ago on a happy day
With a fool who was loved, but threw love away
Who exchanged a good home for a flophouse, a bar, and the clink -
Somebody buy me a drink
"Well, to see me today, when I have hit the skids
Who would think I once had a fine wife and kids?
Yes, I was that fool, after treasure and pleasure
And love was just a game played with some other dame
"Now there's only one thing I feel certain of:
The only true treasure in life is love
Without someone to love and love you, see how low you can sink?
Somebody buy me a drink
Somebody, somebody, buy me a drink."